Characteristics of modernists as they overturned tradition

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Reference no: EM133346044


In the Modernist Assault chapter of our textbook, Gloria Fiero identifies 3 main characteristics of the modernists as they overturned tradition: 1) innovation, 2) invention and 3) abstraction. This week, will we look for innovation, invention, and abstraction in 3 artworks: Picasso's painting "Le Demoiselle d'Avignon," Stein's "How She Bowed to Her Brother," and composer Stravinsky and choreographer Nijinsky's "Rite of Spring." After reading the Modernist Assault chapter, you will complete the quiz to test your knowledge. what the chapter presents as the historical context of the modernist assault and what do each of the 3 artworks for the week represents that assault by describing the formal innovations made by Picasso, Stein, and Stravinsky.

Reference no: EM133346044

Questions Cloud

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