Characteristics of clausewitzs theory of warfare

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13982153

Prefer a good English writer. Do not need an introduction or conclusion. Needs references and intext citations.

Topic 1 - Characteristics of Clausewitz's Theory of Warfare

A. Compare and contrast the key characteristics of Clausewitz's theory of warfare.

B. Which facets are most important? Why?

C. What other elements could be included and should be comprehended? Examples may include, critical dependencies, leadership styles, logistics.

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The solution is about "principles of war" by Clausewitz’s whereas discussion about important features of the theory is the first point. The second point is "important facets" where the discussion is about the main points of the theory and third point is about the elements could be included and should be comprehended and here "leadership style" is defined. APA style of intext- citation and references provided.

Reference no: EM13982153

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