Characteristics of an effective forensic investigator

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133537564


In your opinion, what are the characteristics of an effective forensic investigator?

Facts ideas I want to include -

I believe that an effective investigator is observant of their surroundings. Any task or scene they are assigned or walk up to will have them look at every area or persons involved. They must also be in control of their emotions. Having someone easily letting lose their anger or other emotions that cloud their judgement will only hinder an investigation. An investigator also needs to be willing to learn from others. If he or she does not take criticism from others well, how will he or she adapt.

Even without these characteristics, as long as someone is willing to learn and take criticism, they will most likely learn the rest of the characteristics. This goes for any job and life in general. Another characteristic can be charisma. If there is a person that is not willing to talk to a police officer, you can try to finesse them into talking. Critical thinking and figuring out different approaches to situations can also be a valuable trait.

Reference no: EM133537564

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