Characteristics of african and native american mythoi

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133530493


The archetype I selected is creation myth, commonly known as cosmogonic myth. I want to compare and contrast the characteristics of African and Native American mythoi. I picked the archetype of the creative process.

The question i need help with is

Discuss the prevalence and significance of these same archetypes in the ethics and morals and/or the roles of individuals in societies of contemporary culture (e.g., the roles of women have been influenced by archetypes of women in myths). Support your discussion with specific examples.

Reference no: EM133530493

Questions Cloud

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Describe how the food industry exploits temperature : Describe how the food industry exploits temperature to minimise the harmful effects of microorganisms in foods, whether from the perspective of food spoilage
Characteristics of african and native american mythoi : I want to compare and contrast the characteristics of African and Native American mythoi. I picked the archetype of the creative process.
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Describe the range of mechanisms : Describe the range of mechanisms by which food-borne pathogenic microorganisms can cause human illness and, for each mechanism, give an example of a food-borne
Describe what is meant by the jameson effect : Describe what is meant by the Jameson Effect (also known as 'the hidden fermentation'), and explain its significance and possible mechanisms
How long did the cloud migration process take : Was there a reason why the company decided to migrate to the cloud environment? Which cloud service provider did they choose, if it was revealed?


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