Characteristics and features of programming in java

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13979570

Assignment: Student Record Keeping Systems


To give learners opportunities to develop an understanding of the principles of programming in Java, exploring the object oriented nature of the language and the multi-platform versatility.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

Understand the principles of programming in Java Be able to design Java solutions
Be able to implement Java solutions
Be able to test and document Java solutions


West London College of Business and Management Sciences (WLCBMS) decided to introduce database systems to keep the students record. WLCBMS appoint you as a software developer and you have been asked to design, create and test the software. Personal information of each student such as First Name, last Name, Date of Birth, Student ID Number, Mobile Number, Address and the course they are enrolled should be recorded. Your program should enable the user to do the following:

1. Display record
2. Add record
3. Delete record
4. Update record

Your program should be able to handle the error in case of any inappropriate data entry and display a message for the user regarding correct data and will ask to re-enter the correct data type.

Task 1: Discuss the principles of programming in Java

Discuss the principles, characteristics and features of programming in Java.

Critically evaluate the environmental flexibility of programming in Java.

Task 2: Design the solution

Design a Java programming solution based on the above scenario.

Explain the components, data and file structures required to implement a given design.

Task 3: Implement Java solutions

Implement a Java programming solution based on a prepared design.

Define relationships between objects to implement design requirements

Implement object behaviours using control structures to meet the design algorithms.

Identify and implement opportunities for error handling and reporting.

Make effective use of an integrated development environment including code and screen templates

Task 4: Test and Document Java solutions

Critically review and test a Java programming solution.

Analyse test results against expected results to identify discrepancies.

Evaluate independent feedback on a developed Java program solution and make recommendations for improvements

Create user documentation for the development of Java programming solution.

Create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of a Java programming solution

Reference no: EM13979570

Questions Cloud

Determine the change in the internal energy of the gas : An ideal gas is compressed isobarically from 8.72 m3 to 5.41 m3 at a pressure of 2.01 x 105 Pa due to the addition of 4.11 x 105 J of heat. What is the change in the internal energy of the gas? Express your result in scientific notation and to th..
Is a net amount of thermal energy added to from system : An ideal gas goes through a cyclic process and does 400 J of net work. Is a net amount of thermal energy added to or removed from the system, and how much heat is involved?
What apr rate should you charge your customers : To offset your overhead, you want to charge your customers an EAR (or EFF%) that is 2% more than the bank is charging you. What APR rate should you charge your customers?
What is the value of the next dividend the firm is expected : If the firm's dividend growth rate is 8% and its current stock price is $40, what is the value of the next dividend the firm is expected to pay?
Characteristics and features of programming in java : Discuss the principles, characteristics and features of programming in Java - critically evaluate the environmental flexibility of programming in Java.
Calculate the mass of the cone : Calculate the mass M of the cone. By symmetry, the center of mass of the cone should Lie on its axis of symmetry (the z axis in this case). Calculate the z-coordinate of its center of mass (remember its base is centered at the origin).
What is its filal temperature : An ideal gas is initially at temperature of 300K.Its volume triples while its pressure decreases by a factor of two. What is its filal temperature?
Create query that will show members who have same address : Project Description: Matt Davis is a retired baseball player who runs the Baseball Academy, an indoor baseball facility for middle school, high school, and college players
Measuring and assessing risk over the past : How effective do you think quantitative tools have been at measuring and assessing risk over the past several years? Why?


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