Characteristics affect the performance of the organization

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13753606

You are a manager of three employees at Riordan Manufacturing. You recently had these employees take a series of self-assessments to aid you in managing them. Now that you have these assessments, you are now tasked with creating an Employee Portfolio for each of the employees to help guide you in developing ways to best manage them.

Resources: Results of Self-Assessments, University of Phoenix Material: Employee Portfolio Management Plan

Complete the Employee Portfolio: Management Plan found on your student website for each of the three employees. Be sure to include the point values and meanings for all assessments.

Howmight these three employees' characteristics affect the performance of the organization?

Make recommendations for additional assessments from the Self-Assessment library.

Reference no: EM13753606

Questions Cloud

What went wrong with on the uss florida : Explain who, besides Michael Alfonzo, you think is also to "blame" for what went wrong with on the USS Florida?
Objectives in auditing historical financial statements : Compare the primary auditor objectives in auditing historical financial statements to auditing significant in reducing the risk of reporting errors or misstatements in financial statements. Provide a rationale for your response.
Draw a window navigation diagram : Draw a Window navigation diagram (WND) that de?nes the basic structure of the interface through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia
Average annual rate of growth of sales : Swan Construction had sales seven years ago of $2,150,000. This year their sales hit $4,600,000. What has been Simpson's average annual rate of growth of sales?
Characteristics affect the performance of the organization : Management Plan found on your student website for each of the three employees. Be sure to include the point values and meanings for all assessments.
Human resources business processes : Currently several of their support departments are using manual processes and they wish to automate their accounting and human resources business processes.
Determine the cost : The office processes an average of 14,500 samples per year. Assuming the average data entry/filing person in the office makes $11.50 per hour; determine the cost of the problem
Research studies of interest : Find three research studies of interest to you that provide proper usage of the one-way, repeated measures, and factorial ANOVA.
How do the people of umuofia react to change : How does Achebe use characters like Obierika, Okonkwo, and Nwoye to offer such social criticism of Igbo society? How do the people of Umuofia react to change?


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