Reference no: EM13171468
1. What do Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri have in common?
[A] They all became states between 1791 and 1821.
[B] Their economies were all based on fur trapping.
[C] They were all slave states.
[D] They were all states facing economic decline.
[E] They were all free states.
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the typical pioneer settlers?
[A] They tended to cluster with people who hailed from the same region back East.
[B] They were wild and restless individualists.
[C] They sought stability and security.
[D] They migrated as families.
[E] They craved sociability.
3. Which of the following is true of early American steamboat development?
[A] They were used mainly on the transatlantic routes, but were uneconomical in river trade.
[B] They were unpopular methods of transportation because they were slow and uncomfortable.
[C] They became ornate and luxurious, yet were prone to fires and collisions.
[D] They were subsidized by the federal government.
[E] They took the lead in voluntary safety precautions
4. What was the first major canal project in the United States?
[A] the Blackstone Canal
[B] the Connecticut and Berkshire Canal
[C] the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
[D] the Panama Canal
[E] the Erie Canal
5. The doctrine of "separate spheres" suggested that
[A] business affairs were best conducted in the factory and the office, and workers had no role in making decisions.
[B] children and parents should not mingle.
[C] moral issues were to be determined by the church, while economic issues were to be determined by the family.
[D] men were superior in worldly pursuits, and women were superior for their moral influence.
[E] all of these
6. What was the economic status of most people in antebellum America?
[A] wealthy
[B] on the edge
[C] middling
[D] bankrupt
[E] poor
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