Characteristic of participant observation

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Reference no: EM133064541

Humans are unique among primates because they use tools. they learn by imitation. Correct!they use language to transmit customs. their offspring learn from their mothers.The answer can be found in Section 2.4, Viewpoints about Culture, in Cultural Anthropology.

Question: Which of the following is true of a belief systems influence on how people think?

Beliefs have no relationship to feelings.

In every culture, some beliefs are set forth as proper ways of thinking.

Beliefs are controlled by reality, not by culture.

Individuals may freely deviate from others in their beliefs with no likelihood of punishment.The answer can be found in Section 2.2, Ideology, in Cultural Anthropology.

Question: Which of the following is most characteristic of participant observation?

Passive watching and note taking of peoples public behavior

Accurate recording of peoples behavior when they are participating in the customs of their society

Involvement in the day-to-day life of a society.

Reference no: EM133064541

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