Characteristic of pandemic planning

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133356210


1. Which of these is a personnel protection strategy for first responders:

A. Medical personnel wearing personal protective equipment (e.g., breathing masks) at all times
B. Maintaining a 3 foot social distance at all times
C. Encouraging essential personnel to report to work if their fever has resided somewhat
D. Randomly shifting police teams

2. Which of these should employees not do:

A. Wash their hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand cleaner if soap isn't available
B. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
C. Come to work and support essential operations regardless of health issues
D. Sneeze into the bend in their arm (elbow) rather a tissue.

3. Which of these is not a workforce consideration when conducting a planning self-assessment:

A. Have you considered the impact of any authorized outside employment (i.e., second jobs)
B. What types of workers will shirk their duties during a pandemic?
C. Have you addressed succession planning in your pandemic plan?
D. Have you determined the effects of high absentee rate on your organization?

4. All organizations and jurisdictions should conduct a post-pandemic evaluation of operations in the same way as for other incidents. This includes:

A. Determining what feedback applies to other types of incidents.
B. Revising the plan semi-annually
C. Discerning between pre and post apocalyptic practices
D. Getting feedback from essential personnel.

5. Contingency plans should be developed for:

A. Transferring all essential functions to another agency for continued operations
B. The discontinuance of constitutional government
C. Systems or equipment that are required to provide essential services
D. Relocating all agency personnel to a State where the pandemic has not struck yet

6. Which of these is not a characteristic of pandemic planning?

A. Staffing issues may remain for months.
B. Key decisions will have to be made with partial information
C. Operations will resume as normal when the pandemic resides.
D. There will be no physical damage to the infrastructure, but much of the infrastructure may not function.

7. Among the things that an organization should consider when planning for pandemics are:

A. Ignoring the usual range of organizational issues that might come up
B. Managing public expectations about which agencies can do what and in what timeframe
C. The post pandemic inflation rate
D. Relying only on external resources

8. The planning team for pandemic influenzas must include:

A. Members of the State Emergency Response Committee
B. Mutual aid partners
C. Personnel from the next higher government level
D. Medical examiners and coroners

9. Critical Infrastructure is defined as:

A. Assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, public health or safety, or any combination thereof.
B. Electrical, mechanical, and physical systems so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, public health or safety, or any combination thereof.
C. Parks and recreational areas
D. Roads, bridges and buildings that are so vital to the United States that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating
effect on security, national economic security, public health or safety, or any combination

10. Exercising civil authority, maintaining the safety and well-being of the general populace, and sustaining the industrial and economic base during an emergency are examples of:

A. Persistent requests
B. National primary functions
C. Essential functions
D. Optional Functions

11. Planners should build ____________ into their plans so that employees know when they need to get supplies that may be needed for an extended period away from the office.

A. Cascading event considerations
B. Use of the Incident Command System
C. Triggers
D. Evacuation procedures

12. When developing a testing, training, and exercise program for the pandemic plan, organizations should ensure that:

A. Pandemic plans will work for a maximum of 12 weeks.
B. All operations can continue with dramatically fewer people
C. All personnel can obtain the personally identifiable information of others they work with.
D. Information Technology systems can support small-scale telework.

13. Which of the following is true regarding shift work?

A. Studies have shown that employees who work irregular shifts are more efficient and less likely to have an accident on the job than employees working regular shifts.
B. Shift work is considered a welcome change of pace by those workers who normally don't do it.
C. Shifts must be assigned to accommodate workflow.
D. Shift work often leads to severe depression

14. Which of these is true regarding the impact of a pandemic?

A. Resources may not be available from mutual aid and assistance agreements as outbreaks occur simultaneously throughout the area.
B. Survivors will likely not develop severe psychological problems
C. There will be little economic impact once the pandemic is over
D. There will be indifference among those who are not a high priority for the scarce resources.

15. Each organization conducting pandemic planning must consider:

A. How they will be perceived if they cease operations
B. Whether to abide by health recommendations given the possible loss of jobs
C. Which personnel they will put at risk to protect others.
D. How they will complete essential services with considerably fewer personnel

16. _____________________ identifies who is authorized to act on behalf of an organization's head or other officials for specified purposes.

A. Delegations of authority
B. Emergency Relocation Managers
C. Continuity planners
D. Orders of succession

17. When completing pandemic plans, the planning team should assume that:

A. Interstate commerce will be halted
B. A 6-month supply of supplies should be stocked before the pandemic strikes
C. Supplies can be ordered from suppliers in other parts of the country
D. Suppliers will also have service disruptions

18. A key characteristic of pandemic influenzas is that they:

A. Spread slowly throughout specific populations
B. Are not spread through human-to-human contact
C. Occur in a single wave, then recede quickly.
D. Have the ability to mutate rapidly

19. Which of the following is true regarding orders of succession?

A. Orders of succession make an orderly and predefined transition of leadership difficult
B. Orders of succession that are at least "five deep" are recommended for continuity purposes.
C. Orders of succession should be changed at regular intervals.
D. Designation of a successor enables the successor to act on behalf of and exercise the authorities of the principal in the event of the principal's death or incapacity

20. Pandemic influenzas:

A. Usually are less contagious than seasonal influenzas
B. Occur naturally in birds, swine, or other animals, and can be transmitted to humans.
C. Don't impact animals because of immunity.
D. Occur every fall and winter

Reference no: EM133356210

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