Characteristic of a stress-resistant person

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133097136

If someone has the work value of "altruism" they...

  1. value helping and service others and contributing to the welfare of others
  2. value achievement and accomplishment
  3. value leadership opportunities
  4. value jobs with a wide variety of tasks and responsibilities

Someone with an "extrovert" personality type enjoys...

  1. Working with and communicating with others
  2. Working independently with minimal communication with others
  3. Highly structured environments with clear instructions and deadlines
  4. Thinking through and solving difficult problems

Which of the following is a characteristic of a "stress-resistant" person?

  1. They are personally committed to a goal
  2. They strive to meet other people's expectations of them
  3. They strive for perfection in all they do
  4. They isolate from others to avoid being hurt

Which of the following is an example of a "transferrable skill"?

  1. Computer programming skills
  2. Accounting skills
  3. Sketching and drawing skills
  4. Interpersonal communication skills

Which of the following is a strategy for dealing with the depression as discussed in class?

  1. Distract yourself
  2. Withdraw from other as they often make you feel worse about yourself
  3. Simplify your life
  4. Do something towards one of your goals

Which of the following is a strategy for dealing with the feeling of overwhelm as discussed in class?

  1. Separate from the stressor
  2. Resolve Incompletes
  3. Delegate
  4. All of the above.

Which of the following is a step in sending an assertive message?

  1. Assign blame appropriately
  2. Identify and label the other person's emotions
  3. State alternatives to the problem behavior
  4. None of the above

Which of the following is a strategy for keeping commitments and for developing self-respect?

  1. Make your agreements consciously
  2. Avoid making commitments. Simply try your best to do the best you can.
  3. Avoid others who are often asking you to make various commitments.
  4. Dream big. Have many long-term goals

Which of the following is a counterproductive coping skill for dealing with stress?

  1. Compromising instead of collaborating
  2. Self-minimalizing
  3. Too much social engagement
  4. Self-medicating

Which of the following is part of "Deliberate Practice" as explained by Angela Duckworth?

  1. Develop and utilize good self-management skills
  2. Decide to doing something outside your reach.  Have a "stretch goal"
  3. Avoid negative feedback and messages of discouragement
  4. Reflect, Reduce, Reuse

Which of the following is part of the "Pathway to Excellence" as explained by Angela Duckworth?

  1. Have a growth mind-set
  2. Consult an expert
  3. Have a fixed mind-set
  4. Have 100% focus

Reference no: EM133097136

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