Characterise observed streamflow calculated as unit runoff

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133299063


Water balance of the Ouseburn using available data, including monthly and annual statistics

1. Characterise the atmospheric forcing of the catchment hydrology including precipitation and potential evapotranspiration.

2. Characterise the observed streamflow calculated as unit runoff.

Reference no: EM133299063

Questions Cloud

Relationship between strategic leadership and management : Critically discuss the relationship between your chosen organisation and strategic leadership and management. ( Chosen organization is Inditex-Zara).
What does the text say about sacred cows : What does the text say about "sacred cows"? Are there any in your present organization or product set? Explain.
Explain goals of knowledge sharing cultures in organization : Explain the goals of knowledge sharing cultures in organizations and which elements need to be applied for creating it successfully (please use examples).
Evaluate the strategy used in the audition firm : Explain what performance measures would you recommend for the Auditing Firm? Evaluate the strategy used in the Audition Firm.
Characterise observed streamflow calculated as unit runoff : Characterise the atmospheric forcing of the catchment hydrology including precipitation and potential evapotranspiration.
Discuss the types of knowledge management systems : Knowledge management enhancing an organisations ability to make more efficient and effective decisions.
What are examples of forward and backward integrations : What are examples of forward and backward integrations. What is difference between business strategy and corporate strategy.
Describe planning to ensure future developments are achieved : The creation of more meaningful and ecologically sensitive work, Describe the rationale for planning to ensure future developments are achieved.
Explain the common weakness in small business financing : Looking at small medium enterprises in SADC, explain the common weakness in small business financing?


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