Chaplinsky v. State of New Hampshire

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Reference no: EM133356124


1. Chaplinsky v. the State of New Hampshire, Schenck v. the United States, and Gitlow v. New York are all cases that demonstrate that:

there are times when free speech can be -limited by the government
there are limits on the issue of search and seizure
there are limits on the freedom of religion
the government can really place no limits on religion

2. Of the following Supreme Court Cases, which is NOT an Establishment Clause case?

Engel v. Vitale
Lemon v. Kurtzman
Mapp v. Ohio
Westside Community Schools v. Mergens

3. The First Amendment allows citizens to speak. protest, or picket on public property as long as they do not disturb the peace or violate the law. This lawful act is called...

clear and present danger
peaceful assembly
speech plus
pure speech

4. A broad designation that includes activities such as civil disobedience. Burning a U.S, flag, a Selective
Service draft card, or an effigy are some of the best-known examples

clear and present danger
Speech plus
Pure speech
symbolic behavior

5. Read the scenario below and choose whether you think this is an Economic, Cultural, or Military
influence to another country.

A wealthy nation sends food and supplies to a poor nation.
None of the above

6. The Civil Rights Bill of 1866 was:

passed by Congress and put into law without President Johnson's signature with the intention of ending southern discrimination and civil rights violations
never made law due to President Johnson's veto which Congress was unable to override
passed by Congress over the veto of President Johnson
passed as an Executive Order by President Johnson even though Congress objected to the legislation

7. The Fourth Amendment was written in part to ensure the government did not allow the British had prior to the Revolutionary War

writs of certiorari
writs of assistance
writs of habeas corpus
writs of mandamus

8. During Civil War Reconstruction, new southern legislatures began passing intending to preserve slavery as nearly as possible and guarantee a stable labor supply

Constitutional Amendments
Slave Codes
Black Codes
bills of attainders

9. The "zone of privacy" was established for searches and seizures in Katz vs United States. Which of the following scenarios would not apply to the "zone of privacy"?

Search of a person's desk at their office
Search of a person.
Search after viewing illegal drugs out in the open at a residence, and viewed from a public street.
Search of the inside of a person's home.

10. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments are often referred to as:

the Progressive Amendments
the Civil Liberties Amendments
the Civil War Amendments
the Bill of Rights

11. The Civil Rights Act of 1875, which attempted to eliminate many of the Jim Crow laws:

was instrumental in destroying Jim Crow systems
was only somewhat successful and relied on the findings in the Plessy v. Ferguson case to give it standing
was found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
was a feeble attempt by Congress and unsuccessful when implemented by the states

12. Choose the response below that most accurately completes the following sentence. The 5th amendment requires:

that a person be read their miranda rights when being arrested.
the right to counsel.
authorities to initiate reasonable search and seizures".
that a citizen cannot be accused of a serious crime without a grand jury investigation. It also
forbids double jeopardy - the act of bringing a person to trial a second time for the same crime,

13. This act prohibited the use of literacy testing for voting and provided federal registration in areas where under half of all eligible voters were registered. The Act was an extremely effective piece of legislation -soon after its enactment, black voter registration increased sharply.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968
The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Voting Rights Act of 1965

14. This piece of legislation is considered to be the first major legislation of the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King. The act provided African-American men with protected voting rights, banned discrimination in public facilities, and established equal employment opportunity. It also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEC), withheld fideral funds from discriminating institutions, and authorized the Justice Department to initiate suits to desegregate public schools and facilities.

The Civil Rights Act of 1960
The Civil Rights Act of 1957
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
The Civil Rights Bill of 1866

15. The Republican Party began as:

the party of the New Deal and President Franklin Roosevelt
the party of big business
the main anti-slavery and anti-slavery expansion party
the main states rights party

16. The first party that supported a strong central government and one of the shortest lived parties was

Federalist Party
Whig Party
Democratic-Republican Party
Republican Party

17. Read the scenario below and choose whether you think this is an Economic, Cultural, or Military influence to another country.

A radio station is established to spread a political message:
None of the above

18. Power in American political parties is:

held by one or two powerful party machine figures in each state
concentrated solely in the national organization
concentrated mainly in the states
fragmented among the local, state, and national party organizations

19. If the electoral college vote system were to be changed, what act of congress would have to occur?

Presidential Directive
This system can not be changed ever.
Citizen Popular Vote
Constitutional Amendment

Reference no: EM133356124

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