Changing role of women in american culture

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131032069 , Length: 2

"Second Wave Feminism", gained strength during the 1970's. For this essay assignment, research and write about a popular television show from the 1970's, which reflected the changing role of women in American culture. Discuss your findings. This paper should be 1-2 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college's library resources. One scholarly article as a minimum should be included in your essay.

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This report presents the TV hoe impact over the people in America. it is Mary Tyler Moore show that has changed the work place norms. she wore jeans at the work place and this was a showing to the american women that she could wear anything. it was symbolically supporting the women rights. this show also brought issue of low wage of females against males at work place. Total word count is 639 words of this report. the report supports the issue of women rights.

Reference no: EM131032069

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