Changing nature of crime have on criminology

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Reference no: EM133332747


1. What is crime? What is the definition of crime that the author of this text chose to use? How might the notion of crime change over time? What impact does the changing nature of crime have on criminology?

2. What is deviance? How are crime and deviance similar? How do they differ?

3. Who decides what should be criminal? How are such decisions made?

4. What is criminology? What are its many roots?

Test Your Knowledge Questions:

1. The view of crime as human conduct that violates the criminal law is drawn from a ________ perspective.

A) political

B) sociological

C) psychological

D) legalistic

2. "Human conduct that is in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction that has the power to make such laws" is a definition of ________.

A) criminology

B) crime

C) criminal

D) deviance

3. The belief that crime is an antisocial act of such a nature that repression is necessary to preserve the existing system of society is the basis of the ________ perspective on crime

A) legal

B) political

C) sociological

D) psychological

4. The psychological perspective sees crime primarily as ________.

A) a violation of a law

B) an offense against human relationships

C) an antisocial act

D) problem behavior

5. Which of the following statements about deviance and crime is true?

A) All deviant behavior is criminal.

B) All criminal behavior is deviant.

C) Deviant behavior and criminal behavior overlap.

D) Deviant behavior and criminal behavior are mutually exclusive categories.

6. You are running late to class and there is an exam today. To get to class on time, you drive about 10 miles about the speed limit. This is an example of behavior that is ________.

A) deviant but not criminal

B) criminal but not deviant

C) both deviant and criminal

D) neither deviant nor criminal

Reference no: EM133332747

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