Changes to the earths surface due to human

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Reference no: EM131068460 , Length:

Complete a rationale for lesson plan and associated resources.

Topic - Changes to the Earth's surface due to human

The rationale should begin with a brief description of the low socio-economic context of the school and the class for whom the lesson plan and resources were designed.

It should then discuss the reasons behind the choice of teaching and learning strategies contained within the lesson plan and resources.

The discussion should demonstrate understanding of the effects of low socio-economic contexts, as well as knowledge of effective communication strategies.

Opinions and conclusions included within the rationale should be supported by readings and independently found literature. Preservice teachers should aim to use 4 independently found quality sources to support the ideas in the rationale, including a mix of books and journal articles.


The students will have created a poster with the appropriate causes and effects for each human activity by the end of the lesson.

Assessment criteria for analysis:
- The students can distinguish between causes and effects.
- The students can explain the cause and effect relationship for each domain.

Teaching focus:

A. the pre-service teacher's teaching skill for observation by Supervising Teacher;

B. teaching skills that the pre-service teacher would like to personally develop.

Background to the learning:

A. References for teacher background knowledge

B. Identify students' current knowledge

Lesson resources:

- 4 sheets of coloured A3 paper
- Blu-tack
- Flash cards
- Interactive Whiteboard
- Whiteboard
- Whiteboard markers in excellent condition
- Pictures of causes and effects
- Access to computers

Lesson content:
A. Introduction 10 mins
- Class to be seated on the floor in a semi-circle facing the interactive white board.
- The teacher will play 'The human impact on this Earth' video.
- FQ: How did you feel when you watched this video? Expected answers would be sadness, anger
- FQ: There were different human activities that destroys the Earth in this video. Can you identify any? The teacher will allow 2 minutes for answers and a short discussion.
- The teacher will divide the students into groups of five ensuring that each group consists of students of both high and low levels of learning ability.
- The teacher will assign each group a flashcard of one human activity:
1. Deforestation
2. Pollution
3. Misuse of Earth's natural resources
4. Global warming

B. Development 20 mins
1. The teacher will show the title 'Deforestation' clearly on the interactive white board as a power point presentation. She will define 'deforestation'.
She will show a before and after photo of rainforests in Brazil being swallowed by farming and explain how humans have been clearing forests to make space for farms for at least 7000 years.
FQ: What do you think are some other causes of deforestation? Expected answers would be housing, to create paper and furniture.

The teacher will show a photo of a Koala residing on bare land and explain the loss of species as a major effect of deforestation.
FQ: What do you think are some other effects of deforestation? If students have no responses, the teacher will show a list of effects on the interactive white board: water cycle, soil erosion, quality of life.

2. The teacher will show the title 'Pollution' clearly on the interactive white board continued as a power point presentation. She will define 'pollution'.

She will show a before and after photo of the air pollution in Beijing and define 'air pollution'. She will show a photo of rubbish tip and define 'land pollution'.

FQ: Can you name another type of pollution? Expected answer would be water pollution. The teacher will show an illustrated example of water pollution.

The teacher will show a photo of melted ice caps and explain global warming as a major effect of pollution.

FQ: What do you think are some other effects of pollution? An expected answer would be people and animal's health.

If students are unresponsive, the teacher will show a list of effects on the interactive white board: human health, environmental degradation, ozone layer depletion, infertile land.

3. The teacher will show the title 'Misuse of Earth's natural resources' clearly on the interactive white board continued as a power point presentation. She will define the issue.

She will show a list of the main natural resources accompanied by illustrations.

FQ: How do you think we are misusing these natural resources in our daily lives? At home? At school? Expected answers would be long showers, turning the tap off while brushing teeth.

The teacher will show a list of ways humans misuse Earth's resources: farming, pollution by oil spills etc.

The teacher will show a photo of dead marine animals and explain how this is a major effect.

FQ: What do you think are some other effects of misusing natural resources? An expected answer

would be loss of habitat for animals through cutting trees. The teacher will show a list of effects on the interactive white board

4. The teacher will show the title 'Global warming' clearly on the interactive white board as a power point presentation. She will define 'global warming'.

She will show a photo of a polar bear sitting on ice and explain that this is a result of pollution. FQ: What do you think are some other causes of global warming? Expected answers would be deforestation.

The teacher will show a list of causes: burning of fossil fuels (define 'fossil fuels'), deforestation.

The teacher will show a photo of natural disasters such as flood and drought and explain climate change as a major effect of global warming.

FQ: What do you think are some other effects of global warming?

If students have no responses, the teacher will show a list of effects on the interactive white board: rising of sea levels, warmer temperatures, melting of ice.

C. Consolidation, practice, extension 20 mins

- The teacher will provide flashcards of 'Causes' and 'Effects' to each group.

- The teacher will provide flash cards of all the causes and effects of each domain to each group respectively. These flash cards will be in the form of pictures and words. They will be jumbled up.

- The teacher will provide one coloured A3 poster paper and blu-tack to each group.

- The teacher will instruct the students to stick the flash cards under the two headings appropriately and create a poster. This instruction will be recorded on the white board for the students to refer to.

- Once the students have finished creating their posters, the teacher will instruct them to rotate to the next group.

- The teacher will jumble up the flash cards in preparation for the new group.

- The teacher will ask the students to carry out the same task by group rotation for each domain.

- Once the students have completed each domain, the teacher will instruct the learners of high ability of each group to present their poster to the whole class.

- The teacher will ask them to explain the cause and effect relationship of each domain.

D. Closure

1. The lesson will close with all students returning to the floor in a circle. The teacher will ask the students to name some of the human activities that change the Earth.

2. The teacher will ask the students what they learned today that will change the way they treat the environment.

3. The teacher will ask the students what they liked best about today's session.

4. The teacher will ask the students what they found hard to do.

5. The teacher will ask if anyone would like to draw a picture of any aspect of they learned today. She will state that their drawings will be pinned on the wall.

6. The teacher will pin the posters on the classroom walls.

Lesson/activity transition:

This is the activity required to terminate the first lesson/activity and to initiate the next lesson/activity. A lesson/activity transition is not to be confused with a lesson/activity conclusion.

The maximum recommended time is 3-4 minutes. Activities may include collecting used materials, tidying the room, returning materials to shelves, a song, a jingle/action rhyme, a stretching activity, reorganisation of furniture, distribution of materials for the next lesson/activity.

The following format should be used to present the lesson/activity transition:
Step 1: The teacher will play a CD (slow paced music) and ask the students to pretend they are slowly ice skating around the room.

Step 2: The teacher will instruct the students to face the closest person to them and share their favourite food with each other once the music stops.

Step 3: The teacher will ask the students to stand back to back after sharing this piece of information until the music starts again.

The rationale should be approximately 1000 words.

No of Pages/Words : 1000 words

Attachment:- Lesson plan.rar

Verified Expert

Solution provided with a rationale that revolves around the effects that SES has and the consequences that are borne by the students of rural areas. The communication strategies and the associated issues are also defined.

Reference no: EM131068460

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