Change to support reconciliation in canada

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Reference no: EM133640971

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What are some of the lasting effects of residential school on the survivors, their families, and communities? In seeing and hearing the story of Chanie Wenjack and his family, what impacts you the most?

The schools where Indigenous kids were made to stay in Canada really hurt the people who lived through them, their families, and their communities for a very long time. Some of the lasting effects include:

Long-lasting problems: It means that when something really bad happens to one group of people, like what happened in the residential schools, it can make those bad feelings and problems last a long time and affect their children and even their grandchildren. For example, if a parent went to one of these schools and had a really hard time there, feeling really sad or having problems because of it, sometimes those sad feelings and difficulties can make things hard for their kids. The kids might grow up feeling sad too because of what happened to their parent. It can make it tough for the family to be happy or get along well with each other. So, when something really bad happens to someone, it can sometimes affect how their children grow up and feel, even if the kids didn't go through that same bad thing themselves.

Not feeling part of their own culture: These schools tried to make Indigenous kids forget about their own traditions and languages. That made them feel like they didn't belong to their own culture anymore, and that feeling lasted a very long time. Think about a girl named Helly, who went to a special school where they didn't let her speak her own language or do the things that were important in her community. Instead, they made her speak only English and follow different customs that were not from her own culture. At that school, Helly couldn't do the dances, songs, or special events that were part of her community. The teachers made her feel like her language and the way her people did things were not good enough. When Helly went back home from the school, she had trouble talking to her family because they only spoke their own language. She felt like she didn't belong and was embarrassed about her culture. It was tough for her to join in with the things her family did because she felt disconnected. Even after leaving that school, Helly still felt strange about her own culture. She had to work hard to relearn her language and get back to her cultural traditions because the school had made her feel bad about them. The school made her feel like her own ways were not as good as others, and it made her feel like she didn't fit in with her own community anymore.

Experiencing difficulties with money and living comfortably was common for many individuals who attended these schools. This made their lives really hard. Let's talk about John, who went to a special school that made him feel really sad and changed how he thought about himself. When he finished school and looked for a job, it was hard because the school didn't teach him everything he needed to know. So, he couldn't get good jobs that paid well.Also, because of feeling really bad from what happened at that school, John had a tough time focusing at work and making good friends. He felt really down about himself and sometimes found it hard to stop doing things that weren't good for him, like drinking too much or using drugs. This made it even harder for him to keep a job.Because of these problems, John's family didn't have enough money. They had a tough time paying for things they needed, like a house and food. This made things stressful for John and his family, and it was hard for them to be happy.
The schools caused Indigenous children to lose many important aspects of their traditions and how they lived. This made it very difficult to teach those things to the next generations.

What deeply affects me is the heart-wrenching reality of a young boy desperately trying to find his way back home, enduring tremendous suffering and yearning for his family and a sense of belonging. His story reveals the immense challenges faced by Indigenous children taken from their families and put into a system that aimed to erase who they were. Chanie Wenjack's story also serves as a reminder of the wider historical injustices suffered by Indigenous communities in Canada. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and dealing with the lasting pain caused by the residential school system, its effects on generations, and the ongoing work towards truth, healing, and making things right.

Chanie Wenjack's story is really sad because it tells about a young boy who tried very hard to go back home. It shows how much he suffered and missed his family. It talks about how bad the residential schools were for Indigenous kids, making them feel very sad and lost. Chanie Wenjack's story reminds us that Indigenous people went through a lot of unfair things in the past. It also shows how Canada is trying to make things better by telling the truth, helping them heal, and making peace. This story tells us that we should understand and care about what Indigenous people went through and still go through.

Using the idea of the "sociological imagination" as your framework, how does the history of residential schools continue to impact Indigenous people and their communities?

The sociological imagination, introduced by sociologist C. Wright Mills, aids in understanding how personal experiences are influenced by wider social factors. It prompts individuals to recognize the links between their own lives and the larger societal backdrop.This concept urges looking beyond individual situations and acknowledging how social systems, institutions, historical occurrences, and cultural standards shape individuals' experiences. It enables people to realize that their personal challenges or encounters often connect to larger societal concerns and historical events. In simpler terms, the sociological imagination means linking personal problems to bigger social matters. But it's more complex than just that. It involves connecting individual difficulties, like personal struggles or issues, to broader societal problems such as economic inequalities, cultural norms, institutional structures, or historical events.

The old residential schools in Canada had a big impact on Indigenous families and communities. These schools were meant to make Indigenous kids act like Westerners, and that caused serious problems that still last today.Think about a family where the grandparents or parents went to these schools. They went through a lot of pain and felt cut off from their culture. This hurt and feeling disconnected can still affect their children and grandchildren. They might feel sad, have trouble with drugs or feeling good about themselves, and find it hard to keep their culture strong.These problems don't just affect one family; they affect whole Indigenous communities. These communities struggle with not having enough money, problems with schools and healthcare, and finding it hard to keep their traditions alive.So, the sociological imagination helps us understand how these old schools keep causing problems for Indigenous people now. It shows how these schools didn't just hurt individuals; they created ongoing troubles for families and entire communities. Understanding this helps us work towards making things better for Indigenous people and their cultures.

What is one thing you could do/change to support reconciliation in Canada?

One way to support reconciliation in Canada is by getting involved in cultural education and raising awareness about Indigenous heritage and history. This might mean joining workshops, attending cultural events, or taking part in educational programs led by Indigenous communities or organizations.

After attending a cultural event organized by a local Indigenous community, I had the chance to take part in different activities like listening to traditional stories, learning about Indigenous art like beadwork or carving, and joining workshops about Indigenous languages and history.At the event, I discovered a booth displaying handmade crafts created by local Indigenous artisans. I bought a beautifully crafted traditional beadwork or a handmade pottery item from an Indigenous artist. This purchase isn't just about supporting the artist financially; it's also about helping to preserve and showcase Indigenous cultural practices and heritage.By actively participating in these events and backing Indigenous artisans, I show my dedication to learning about and respecting Indigenous cultures. This involvement aids in safeguarding traditions, supporting economic stability within Indigenous communities, and nurturing respect and understanding-a significant part of reconciliation efforts in Canada.

Reference no: EM133640971

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