Change the cpp program in java

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13968912

class Room



double L;

double W;


//functions go here.


class House



Room room1;

Room room2;


//functions go here


The code above is C++ version. In java, you must make the variables private. Dont forget to use the "new" command. Basic Example: House h = new House();

*Make sure each class is in its own file with the correct functions and data types*

The program will basically ask the user to input a L and W for a room, then ask for L and W for the other room. It will then calculate which of the two rooms is bigger. It should assign the bigger room to the parents and smaller room to children. State: "parents get room #_ of size __", "children get room #_ of size __".

Make sure to actually use the class objects for this program

Reference no: EM13968912

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