Change or challenge public health advocacy

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133541115


1. What are at least three skills that you will need as a public health professional? list and describe them.

2. What do you see as a current or future trend that will change or challenge public health advocacy? Explain

3. What role does the environment play in the prevention of the disease? think locally an globally

4. What is the role of diversity in public health work? Discuss individual interaction affect.

5. What are some of the broad employment opportunities available to public health professionals within the multiple healthcare delivery sectors?

6. Discuss three different public health professionals. What are their roles, where might they work, what is their education and credentialing? eg: Director of CDC, WHO, or DHS or a local Hospital Director or a leader.

7. Examine the eight The Millennium Development Goals for 2015. Please list them and for each goal, one objective that has been set to meet that goal (be sure to include the who/what/when/ and where.

8. Explain how nosocomial infections are becoming serious health threats within the healthcare system. Discuss the known methods used for breaking the chains of disease transmission. Propose a way to educate the general public on their role in preventing disease transmission.

9. Explain the importance of global health to our own health. Describe the characteristics of the best global health interventions and provide examples of each. Describe key environmental health regulatory agencies at the international, national, state/provincial, and local levels. State the four principles that guide environmental policy development. Describe each in some detail.

10. How did taking this class, change your view of "Public Health"? Think about the first week of the class, what you read then forward explain, discuss and analyze what you have learnt in the past 10 weeks. Describe the course with two adjectives that you would use to explain this class to someone else.

Reference no: EM133541115

Questions Cloud

Difference between innate and adaptive immune responses : Discuss the difference between innate and adaptive immune responses. Be sure to include first, second, and third lines of defense.
The pharmacological properties of each of the medicines : Apraclonidine, timolol, verapamil, salbutamol. The pharmacological properties of each of the medicines
Difference in homologous structures and vestigial structures : What is natural selection? What is the difference between homologous structures and vestigial structures?
Describe the acellular structures of viruses and prions : Define acellular. Describe the acellular structures of viruses and prions.
Change or challenge public health advocacy : What do you see as a current or future trend that will change or challenge public health advocacy? Explain
Compose on infective disease of the bloodstream : Compose a on an infective disease of the bloodstream. Discussed should be: epidemiology, pathogenesis and treatment.
Effective at controlling the growth of S. epidermidis : Which disinfectant or disinfectants were most effective at controlling the growth of S. epidermidis?
Describe the theory of spontaneous generation : Describe the 'theory" of Spontaneous Generation and how Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur disproved the theory, using the process of scientific method.
First diseases to be eradicated through vaccination program : Viral skin diseases like smallpox were among the first diseases to be eradicated through vaccination program, but now we see more outbreaks of measles


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