Reference no: EM132363454
Details of the intended learning outcomes assessed can be found in the course description.
Under the leadership of the lecturer or/and tutor, students are expected to work on this two-part project or assignment (i.e. Task 2 and Task 3) in teams of 3 to 5 members. Each team shall choose one of the topics listed in Section C of this document. Both the team presentation and the team research report shall be based on the same topic.
The following are the deliverables in this project:
1. Each team is expected to choose one of the topics listed in the next section, research thoroughly on it and write a research report of about 3000 words.
2. Each report should reference a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers.
3. The report should be well researched and written in accordance with APA referencing style.
4. Each team should clearly discuss different aspects of the chosen topic and how these aspects collectively enhance the theoretical and practical knowledge.
5. Final deliverable consists of a presentation and a research report following the schedule above.
6. Presentation of your findings in this project would be of about 20-minute duration.
7. Declaration of contributions: Each student must speak during the presentation part of the assignment. Also, each team must clearly state on the second page of the submission (after the cover page) the contributions of each team member in the project in a tabular form according to the format:
Lecturers/tutors reserve the right to reduce a student's mark if their contribution to their team project is deemed insubstantial.
8. You are reminded to read the "Plagiarism" section of the course description. Your submission should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words.
9. All reports must use the APA referencing style. Federation University has published a style guide to help students correctly reference and cite information they use in assignments (American Psychological Association or APA) citation style
10. Both power point slides for the team presentation and the team report must be submitted on Moodle by the respective due dates. Reports should use Arial Font with size 12pt and double spaced. Your report should include a list of references used in the essay and a bibliography of the wider reading you have done to familiarize yourself on the topic.
11. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessment criteria very carefully.
Each team is expected to choose ONLY one of the following topics for both parts of the assignment:
1. A relevant industry application of real-time analytics
2. Challenges and potential solutions in real-time big data analytics
3. Real-time Big Data privacy
4. Real-time Big data governance
5. Strategic issues stemming from business intelligence, business analytics and big data
6. Change management issues stemming from business intelligence, business analytics and big data