Reference no: EM133087446
Managing the control process
Example of a change control process flow chart
• There are, of course, many factors that can influence change to the scope of a project.
• The impact of scope changes should be carefully monitored; the major effects are usually down to cost, time or quality.
Consider the Cabin4Life scenario. Imagine that a request has been put in to add windows to the shed. List down a control procedure that could be used to change the project scope. You could use a template or example from the internet to help write the steps.
Q: Discuss why you cannot automatically integrate changes into a project. Use an example to illustrate your response.
Triple Constraint basically demonstrates in pictorial fashion, the key attributes that must be handled effectively for successful completion and closure of any project.
Watch the following video on the project management triangle.
During the course of a project, it is important that any issues are identified and documented so that improvements can be made for future projects.
Then you never make the same mistake twice and learn from your lessons.
A project review will include feedback from all stakeholders and form an overview of lessons learned. This will include any changes to processes or policies that was generated from the project or changes made because of the project.
Reflect on the group activities you carried out. Discuss with your group:
• What are your lessons learned from the project you undertook?
• What worked, what didn't?
• What improvements could you make?
Cruise ship syndrome
: The management is concerned about outbreaks of "Cruise Ship Syndrome" and thus examines the daily sick-bay logs to track occurrences of Nausea & Vomiting. A
History of victimization
: What rights does the state that you reside in provide to crime victims? What rights do you believe to be the most important?
Discuss concept of victim impact statements
: Discuss the concept of victim impact statements and the impact that they have on victims, as well as, the defendant.
Deductive and inductive criminal profiling
: Distinguish between deductive and inductive criminal profiling and provide examples of each. Explain the role Locard's Principle plays in criminal profiling.
Change control process flow chart
: Reflect on the group activities you carried out and What are your lessons learned from the project you undertook - Example of change control process flow chart
The nature and extent of crime
: In the context of sections on crime trends and crime patterns Chapter 2, what does explain "Tsotsi's"criminal behavior and actions?
Discuss the positivist school of criminology
: Discuss the positivist school of criminology. Discuss the significance of Frances Alice Kellor's research on women criminals.
Criminal justice theory and perspective appraise
: From a "theoretical" (criminal justice theory) perspective appraise (form a critical opinion) as to why transnational organized crime has continued to grow
Construct a gantt chart which shows timings
: Construct a Gantt chart which shows timings for deliverables and Discuss what you can include in the scope management plan for the Cabins4life scenario.