Change and not easy to implement

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132151470

Firms and households in many countries typically pay relatively little tax (compared to higher income countries) and receive few benefits when they lose their jobs.[1] Discuss the role of automatic stabilisers in these countries in stabilising the fluctuations in GDP.

[1] Households and firms can pay lots of taxes but corruption issues mean that not all reaches the government's budget. 

Government spending is difficult to change and not easy to implement. Explain. 

Reference no: EM132151470

Questions Cloud

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Elasticity of demand for soda : Suppose, that the elasticity of demand for soda is -0.8 and the elasticity of supply is 1.0. If so, would the tax fall more strongly on sellers or on buyers?
Calculate the opportunity cost : Calculate the opportunity cost and show the answer and the calculation. Should the company ask Bill to make the extra clutches or not?
What is the actuarially-fair premium : A group of individuals each face a 1% probability of suffering a loss of $10,000, a 4% probability of suffering a $1,000 loss, a 20% probability of suffering a
Change and not easy to implement : Government spending is difficult to change and not easy to implement. Explain.
Describe the current industry practice : ACC2110 MANAGEMENT ACCOOUNTING - Describe the current industry practice in costing electricity supply - You must critically evaluate the application of Service
Payors of healthcare or the providers of healthcare : Pick a side, the payors of healthcare or the providers of healthcare, and defend their position for the payment of healthcare services. This is regarding Health
Monopoly fitness centre in a small town : Consider a profit-maximizing monopoly fitness centre in a small town. The firm uses two part pricing. Customers pay a monthly membership fee
Experiences or practicum observations : What classroom setups did you find most useful? How do you see implementing these components in your classroom?


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