Reference no: EM132450150
BUSI 1324 - Managing Strategy - University of Greenwich
Case Study - GAZ GROUP Company
The assignment is a Strategic Appraisal to be undertaken on a given real company. You will be expected to apply the theories/models you have learned throughout the module. This will include three main parts: 1) the analysis of the external and internal environment of the company; 2) the identification and evaluation of Its main strategic options for growth, and 3) recommendation for further development of the company.
You may include appendices (not more than 5 pages) at the end of your report to provide supporting data/evidence of research, but all essential information should be Included in the main body of your work. Please note evidence of additional researched material, mechanical structure and soundness and how well the different sections are linked and integrated within the overall report will be greatly appreciated. A good report emphasises clear, concise writing with focused and solid content. This is crucial since report writing skills are essential to any strategic management exercise.
The purpose of the assignment is to draw out the key strategic issues and challenges encountered in running the company; apply the relevant models/frameworks to the simulated environment; rationalise and justify the key decisions taken; describe and discuss the underlying strategic principles. You would need to carry out additional relevant research to inform your analysis and findings. Please present your analytical frameworks in a table forma( in order to save enough space for your written discussion and evaluation.
The suggested format for this report and a possible approach to the word count allocation could be found below:
The report should be dearly structured and follow logically. A contents page should be included which should adequately set out the structure of the report in a systematic way.
State clearly what the report is about and provide a brief overview of the company to set the context for the case. You need to explain: the purpose of the report; what is the core business of the company do: what industry does it operate in; what are its geographical markets; what are the company's mission, vision and values?
PART I : External Analysis
Part 1 requires an analysis of the external environment using appropriate strategic models and frameworks, which will be discussed during the weekly workshops. In particular, the external analysis will require two main parts and corresponding tools:
- The Macro-Environmental Analysis through the application of the PFSTFI model (table format)
- The Industry Analysis through the application of the Porter's Five Forces of Competition model (table format)
Finally, deriving from the external analysis, you should then identify the main opportunities and threats present in the company's environment (partial SWOT analysis. should be presented in a table format).
PART II : Internal Analysis
Part 2 entails the internal analysis of the company under investigation using appropriate strategic models and frameworks. In particular, the internal analysis will require three main steps and corresponding tools:
- The Identification of the Resources & Competencies of the company through the application of the Value Chain model (table format)
- The Appraisal of the Resources & Competencies through the application of the VRIO framework (table format)
Finally, deriving from the above-mentioned three steps, you should then identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the company (partial SWOT analysis. should be presented in a table format).
PART III : Company's Business Strategy and Business Model
Description of the company's Business Strategy in terms of Porter's Generic Strategies model or Bowman's Strategy Clock model.
In this section you also need to provide a brief explanation of the company's Business Model in terms of value creation, value configuration and value capture.
PART IV : Issues & Challenges and Strategic Options for Growth
In this section you will need to summarise the main issues and challenges faced by the company, which should logically follow from the previous steps of your analysis.
Based on that you need to generate a number of strategic options that the company could pursue in response to the Identified issues and challenges in order to continue to grow. Strategic options should be generated with the use of the Ansoff matrix or the TOWS Matrix models (table format).
PART V : Evaluation of the Strategic Options for Growth and Implementation
In this section you should provide a specific suggestions to the company based on evaluation of strategic options Identified previously through the application of the SFA framework (table format) and
select the best one. Please explain your choice and discuss what resources needed to implement the strategic option chosen effectively.
Provide a brief summary of the major findings arising out of your analyses and leading on to YOUR final strategic recommendations for the company's ongoing health. What problems will the company face in order to sustain a competitive advantage over its rivals?
Attachment:- Gaz group case study.rar