Reference no: EM131026336
Case Study
The disengaged worker
When training a group of workers, often the challenge for the trainer is ensuring the key messages are getting through to everyone. In larger groups it's not always easy keeping everyone engaged, and all too often, one or two of the workers are simply not paying attention. In the end, you have a roster sheet full of employee signatures to show that they've taken the training, "but how do you know they were actually trained?"
As a group, discuss the following topics:
1. When training a group of workers, what are some of the physical indicators that tell you whether or not group is no longer attentive?
2. What can you do as trainer when you notice the workers attention span is waning?
3. List several reasons why workers may not be engaged in a training session.
4. As a trainer, list the different methods you can use to facilitate a successful group training session.
5. What are the main differences between a training session and a lecture?
6. How important is it to "train the trainer??
7. What is the KEY takeaway your group has learned from this case study?
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