Reference no: EM131096646
1. What about when it comes time to raise capital for the business, either through private investors or bank loans? Can the business structure have an impact on this?
2. How do we gauge when something violates anti trust laws or not?
3. When ATT attempted to merge with T-Mobile, the government stepped in to stop it. However, when American Airlines decided to merge with US Airways, the government did not intervene? Is it fair that some mergers get stopped, and others do not?
4. Many people have a dream of owning their own business one day. Do you think that most think about the various business forms in deciding which would be best for their type of business?
5. Are some forms of business structures better suited for certain types of businesses than others? Can you provide an example?
6. I see friends or family members going into business together as partners. I have seen friendships end and family members stop talking to each other because of disagreements that arose with respect to running the business. Can these types of issues can be prevented? If so, how?
7. A lot of small business owners are structured as LLC's or Sub S Corps even though they are in effect being run as a sole proprietorship. Does this seem fair?
8. When ATT attempted to merge with T-Mobile, the government stepped in to stop it. However, when American Airlines decided to merge with US Airways, the government did not intervene? Is it fair that some mergers get stopped and others do not.
9. What would happen though if we did not have the government step in and monitor this process? Anyone?
10. Are there any other businesses that seem to be monopolies in society today? Can you provide an example?
Write a regular expression that defines seq
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Result of perceived sex segregation
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Professional or personal situation
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Strings composed of two identical repeated pieces
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Certain types of businesses than others
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Predicting effects of various shocks and policy changes
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Verbally theoretical land price gradient between commercial
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