Central theme of parmenidean metaphysics

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Reference no: EM133088397

In the Phaedo, Socrates makes all of the following claims, EXCEPT:

A. Valuing what is right more than life is illogical and meaningless.

B. The philosopher is concerned with the soul and not with the body.

C. Sensory distractions hinder the soul's pursuit of truth and knowledge.

D. Without a body to impede his or her progress, the philosopher may see things as they truly are.

Choose the statement that describes a central theme of Parmenidean metaphysics.

A. The world is composed of linked opposites.

B. The opinions of mortals are universally reliable.

C. Mortal and divine knowledge can be joined.

D. The universe consists of one, unchanging entity.

The value of the Socratic Method lies in showing students how to __________ on their own, rather than having it dictated to them.

A. evaluate an opinion

B. create an argument

C. explain rhetoric

D. gain knowledge

What kind of a thing is an orchid? It is a type of flower. What distinguishes an orchid from other flowers? The female and male parts of an orchid are fused together.

According to Aristotle, answering both of these questions reveals the __________ of an orchid.

A. ontology

B. essence

C. genus

D. organization

In the Apology, what does Socrates do when he is found guilty and sentenced to death?

A. He agrees that his actions were immoral and that the decision of the judges is just.

B. He tries to convince the jury to accept his defense.

C. He asks Plato to record his life.

D. He is willing to face death rather than violate the principles of his moral philosophy.

For Plato and his Doctrine of Forms, a person can determine whether an act is courageous if he or she can __________.

A. clearly understand the value of courage

B. explain what courage means in the real world

C. accurately describe the Form of Courage

D. imagine an unambiguously courageous action

Socrates differed from the pre-Socratics in that his interests were primarily in __________.
A. the true nature of reality

B. ethics and epistemology

C. cosmology and natural philosophy

D. how the universe works

Select the statement upon which Plato and Aristotle would disagree.

A. Essences exist and are genuine entities.

B. Reasoning and logic are key to finding truth.

C. Essences exist independently of the world.

D. Truth is important above all else.

Read the following statement by Socrates:

"And he attains to the purest knowledge of them who goes to each with the mind alone, not introducing or intruding in the act of thought sight or any other sense together with reason, but with the very light of the mind in her own clearness searches into the very truth of each; he who has got rid, as far as he can, of eyes and ears and, so to speak, of the whole body, these being in his opinion distracting elements which when they infect the soul hinder her from acquiring truth and knowledge . . ."

Outline Socrates' argument in this text and choose the sentence that accurately reflects it.

A. Death prevents the philosopher from finding the answers he most wants to know.

B. Life has no intrinsic value; only a good life, well-lived, has value for the gods.

C. The physical body and the soul are both necessary in order to find truth.

D. It is the mind, not the senses, that can know the essence of a thing.

Which of the following statements about Aristotle's metaphysics is FALSE?

A. The first philosophy for Aristotle was ontology, which examines the nature of being.

B. Aristotle's ultimate conclusion was that the nature of reality was change.

C. Aristotle defined a particular as "a this" to distinguish it from a universal.

D. For Aristotle, existence requires matter and form- not one or the other, but both.

Which of the following statements about the Crito is FALSE?

A. Following the advice of experts is more ethical than appealing the majority.

B. Athens performed its end of the Social Contract; Socrates was required to do the same.

C. The Social Contract made it unethical for Socrates to escape his punishment.

D. Socrates argued that civil disobedience was an obligation for intellectuals and philosophers.

Being a good parent is a __________ condition for having a child.

Apply conceptual analysis to this statement and choose the answer that correctly describes the relationship.

A. sufficient, not necessary

B. neither necessary nor sufficient

C. necessary, not sufficient

D. both necessary and sufficient

Which of the following statements about the atomistic worldview is FALSE?

A. Everything that exists is either an atom or a collection of atoms.

B. All reality is composed of atoms in a void.

C. Atoms come in different shapes and sizes, and can exist in a number of ways.

D. A philosophical atom is the same as a chemical atom.

Reference no: EM133088397

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