Cell phone feature usage

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328432

Consider this scenario: Talkaphone, Inc. discovered that teenagers preferred text messaging and that senior citizens preferred cell phones that could take pictures. They also discovered that it was too expensive to provide the highest quality of both these functions in a cell phone so they decided to provide a second-tier level of quality, but included both features in the cell phone to appeal to both markets. From your perspective, what do you think is likely to happen?

Reference no: EM1328432

Questions Cloud

Explain the methods used to treat customers indivdually : Explain the Methods used to treat customers indivdually and Why are they significant to e-commerce
Research a company that uses supply chain management : Research a company that uses supply chain management (SCM) and look at how their organizational profitability is affected by it. Research a company that uses supply chain management. Be sure to review your lessons and assigned readings.
Discuss various types of dbmss : Discuss differences among data, information, and knowledge.
Women face challenges in acquiring power in corporates : Women and people of color face unique challenges in acquiring power and influence in corporations.
Cell phone feature usage : Consider this scenario: Talkaphone, Inc. discovered that teenagers preferred text messaging and that senior citizens preferred cell phones that could take pictures.
Kinds of contracts : Raj went to the Napa Valley Harvest Festival, where he stopped at Tina's booth where she was selling paintings of vineyards. Raj admired a painting of vineyards.
Time series analysis of revenues : Find out a company at that your organization might consider a competitor. Show the time series for revenues over as many years as you can find. Based on this time series, how is the company doing?
Procurement and contract management : What do you believe is the "big picture" and what solution do you propose for the above scenario and Can this be a win/win situation or does it have to be a win/lose situation?
Explain competitive forces model : Explain Competitive Forces Model and How evident is the bargaining power of suppliers and customers within the industry


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