Cease wearing cologne or after-shave lotion

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133583477


An employee comes to Human Resources asking the company to order a co-worker to cease wearing cologne or after-shave lotion. She has "asked him nicely," but he refused to comply. She states that she has an allergy to scents. Her manager referred her to you. How do you analyze her request?

Reference no: EM133583477

Questions Cloud

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Cease wearing cologne or after-shave lotion : An employee comes to Human Resources asking the company to order a co-worker to cease wearing cologne or after-shave lotion.
What businesses-corporations and foundations are supporting : What businesses, corporations and foundations are supporting these organizations?Do these businesses indicate who they support on their website?
Operate typical boosting operation : A group of four women are going from store to store, stealing clothing and other items for both personal use and for resale.
Discuss the steps in the risk reduction process : Discuss the steps in the risk reduction process and explain why each is important to the success of the overall process.
Your office complaining of being stressed and overweight : Mario comes to your office complaining of being stressed and overweight. He has been under a lot of pressure at work due to a heavy workload.


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