CCE 102 Problem-Solving And Technology Assignment

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Reference no: EM132449495

CCE 102 Problem-Solving And Technology Assignment - Oregon State University, USA

1. Given: A proposed spherical storage tank for liquefied natural gas.

Find: Prepare an Excel chart that shows sphere diameter in ft (on the horizontal axis) vs sphere volume in gallons (primary vertical axis) and liters (secondary vertical axis). The bounds on the horizontal axis should be from 0 to 30 ft; the bounds on the vertical axes should be from 0 to the maximum value when diameter = 30 ft. Paste your finished chart electronically into your assignment.

Required formatting -

Only black font colors.

Times New Roman Bold 16 for axis numbers and legend.

Times New Roman Bold 18 for axis titles.

Show units on all axes properly formatted.

Show no markers. Use only solid black lines (primary vertical axis) and solid dashed line (secondary vertical axis).

Make all axes, gridlines, and borders black lines.

2. Given: A circular pipeline with inside diameter, D = 150 mm is carrying water at a rate, Q of 200 gpm.

Find: Compute the average water velocity (V) in the pipeline in m/s, V = Q/A, where A = π(D2/4).

3. Given: Hurricane Katrina flooded a ∼ 32 km x 20 km area in New Orleans to an average depth of ∼ 50 inches. The army sends a number of large emergency pumps that collectively can pump water at a million gallons per hour into nearby canals.

Find: The time in days required to remove all the water from the flooded area.

4. Given: A simply supported beam with a uniform load:


a. The maximum bending moment is given by: Mmax = qL2/8.

b. The maximum deflection is given by: δmax =5qL4/384EI.

Find: The maximum bending moment in Nm and the maximum deflection in mm if q = 0.15 kip/ft, L = 6.1 m, E = 28 x 106 psi, and I = 65,000 cm4.

5. Given: The electrical power produced by a wind turbine is given by: P = 0.5ρAV3, where A = πD2/4.

Find: Power (in kW and hp) produced by a turbine with D = 39.2 m, V = 60 mph, and ρ = 1.2 kg/m3.

6. Given: The energy of a fluid is computed using: H = P/γ + V2/2g + z, where P is pressure, γ is unit weight, V is velocity, g is gravity, and z is elevation.

Find: H in ft if P = 250 kPa, γ = 62.4 lb/ft3, V = 4.2 mph, and z = 137 m.

7. Given: The drag force of wind on a wall is given by: FD = (1/2) ρV2CA, where ρ is the density of the air = 1.2 kg/m3, V is the wind speed = 80 mph, A is the area of the wall facing the wind (The wall is 12.8 m high by 27 ft long) and C = 0.008 (no units).

Find: The force on the wall in N.

8. Given: The rational formula from hydraulics is Qpeak = CiA, where Qpeak is the peak runoff in cfs, C is a dimensionless runoff coefficient, i is the rainfall intensity in in/hr, and A is the area in acres.

Find: Compute Qpeak in cfs if C = 0.45, i = 35 mm/hr, and A = 77 ha.

Reference no: EM132449495

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