Reference no: EM133276114
Question: Do you agree or disagree with what I wrote in response to this notice? Regarding the social thesis critique of liberalism which is the best approach to maintaining political legitimacy (and hence authority) in a multi-ethnic state, asserting the common good (or way of life), liberal nationalism, or c2ommunitarian politics?
The best approach in maintaining political legitimacy in a multi-ethnic state in my view, is communitarian politics according to the liberalism thesis critique. Many liberals believe that non-intervention is the key to promoting self determination in a multiethnic society. Thus, according to liberalists, in order to promote individualism and self-interest-society should not make decisions on behalf of the people, and allow people to determine which choices best suit them. I believe in a multi ethnic state, promoting political legitimacy to ensure people make the right decisions are problematic. Under communitarianism, emphasis is less pleased on the individual and more so on the relation between the community and the individual. Logically, I think this makes sense in the present day multiethnic state of the US.
To illustrate an example of liberalism ideology gone wrong in our society, we can take a look at gun violence. Under liberalism politics, citizens owning guns promote freedom and protection of the individual, thereby giving him the weapons to make the good decision to protect himself and his family. However, we see as more guns are distributed to individuals who abuse this power to incite violence and harm on others, even though he or she may not be mentally handicapped may suggest that individualism is too far emphasized. In Contemporary Political Philosophy, "but rather its 'individualism'. According to this criticism, liberals base their theories on notions of individual rights and personal freedom, but neglect the extent to which individual freedom and well being are only possible within a community (Kymlica 212). In my view, especially in a multi ethnic state, it is nearly impossible to satisfy the rights of an individual with such a wide array of different beliefs, races/ethnicities, and cultures within a single nation.
In this manner, many are just not able to reach an "age of reason" according to Western liberalism philosophy and therefore make poor decisions. in the case of gun control, many make poor decisions by comitting mass murder, which contradicts the intent of why guns were given to citizens in the first place. I believe having too much emphasis placed on the individual in this case is problematic, which is where society has to intervene. "Being a 'competent adult', in the sense that one is not mentally handicapped, is no guarantee that one is good at making something valuable of one's life" (Kymlica, 213). "Communitarians argue that liberals both misconstrue our capacity for self- determination, and neglect the social preconditions under which that capacity can be meaningfully exercised" (Kymlica, 213). therefore, I believe liberalism stands to over exaggerate how much liberty can be attained with such a wide array of cultures in a multiethnic state.Ironically, sometimes nonintervention and allowing only its people to make their decisions causes the exact opposite of liberty: social injustice and chaos.
From what I read skepticism is not promoted in liberalism as it is believed that people cannot make mistakes (Kymlica). Skepticism impedes self determination according to liberalism, as it believes society doubting the individual's decision is unjust. However, we see internetervention and communitarianism can be used to promote good in contrast to liberalist belief: "intervention in another country's internal affairs can take many nonviolent forms, including economic blockades, nonmilitary aid to insurgent forces, diplomatic pressure, etc. While such forms of intervention obviously carry no guarantee of success, it is fair to say that their potential effectiveness has been widely underestimated" (Beitz, 387). Communitarian politics in this form can be beneficial in promoting the well-being of a multiethnic state by allowing the emphasis on promoting amicable relations between people and the community. Lawfulness can still be promoted in this manner, without the over excessive emphasis placed on the power of the people but the people & community.