Reference no: EM133089290
SITXCOM005 Manage conflict - Mastery Institute Australia
Assessment Task - Unit Project
You are continuing as a manager in Terra Rossa Restaurant & Bar, Melbourne. It is your job to manage the restaurant staff, resolve any conflicts with the customers and within staff members. You have authority to manage the employee roster, increase / decrease working hour of employees, add / remove temporary employees with the help of HR.
With the arrival of Footy season, the customer inflow has increased and creating busy environment in the bar. This has caused employees to work extra hours and increased fatigue.
Part A:
James, one of the part time waiter from South Africa, thinks that his supervisor, Ricky does give him proper feedback on his work.
John works primarily in weekends for 2 days as he must attend class on remaining days.
His supervisor Ricky recommended increase of the hourly rate of Ann, John's colleague, based on her qualifications and experience.
James feels he was working extremely hard on weekends especially when the number of customer to serve is high and deserves salary increase. He believes that this is because he is not a full-time employee and he has been treated unfairly. He becomes mistrustful and negative towards Ricky.
James's enthusiasm for the job starts to decrease. He does "what is necessary" to get by at work. His commitment to the restaurant has reduced. Ricky becomes increasingly frustrated by James's attitude. Ricky challenges James over a customer complaint, words are exchanged and tempers flare.
You are manager of Ricky. You felt something was not right between them.
Your trainer will provide 7-10 minutes to complete the role play and trainer may provide additional time if required.
Your trainer will observe you during the role play and complete the performance checklist.
For this task, one of the student will act as Ricky and Instructor will act as James. You should cover following:
• Identify the signs, stage, level, factor and result of conflict.
• Use of appropriate communication as conflict resolution technique.
• Deal employee by using active listening, empathising the situation and appropriate language style of communication technique.
• As a manager, approach the concerned employees, identify the potential for conflict, analyse the situation and ensure personal safety of employee and act to prevent the escalation of conflict due to dispute or argument among work colleagues. You can use appropriate assistance and resources to handle the situation.
• Listen to both employees to understand the issue. Take responsibility to seek for the solution and identify and implement the best solution to manage the situation within scope of your role and responsibilities.
• Log the incident in Employee Conflict Incident log book as provided as below:
Part B:
Joe, full time contract male waiter, recently had a baby boy and wants to change his shift from 4 pm
- 12 am to 9 am - 5 pm as he wants to spend more time with his family. You do not want to change the shift for next 3 months as it is Footy season and during this time, the work load is high and letting him change his shift will add more pressure on already existing employees. He argued that Ronny, another waiter who was close to you was allowed to change his shift twice in past 2 months. He is not satisfied and shows anger while he was serving the customer.
Your trainer will provide 7-10 minutes to complete the role play and trainer may provide additional time if required.
Your trainer will observe you during the role play and complete the performance checklist.
For this task, one of the student will act as Joe and you will act as a manager. You should cover following:
• Identify the signs, stage and level of conflict.
• Use negotiation as conflict resolution technique.
• Deal employee by using active listening, questioning techniques and appropriate language style of communication technique.
• As a manager, talk with Joe, identify the potential for conflict, analyse the situation and ensure personal safety of employee and customer and act to prevent the escalation of conflict due to roster change request. You can use appropriate assistance and resources to handle the situation.
• Listen to the employee to ensure the issue is understood clearly. Take responsibility to seek for the solution and identify and implement the best solution to manage the situation within scope of your role and responsibilities.
• Log the incident in Employee Conflict Incident log book as provided below:
Part C:
In the following morning, for each workplace conflict listed in the Employee Conflict Incident log book, you must perform following task:
• Evaluate and analyse on the effectiveness of the resolution provided for each workplace conflict.
• Determine possible causes for encountered workplace conflicts and list out any two (2) action items to improve and enhance workplace. Email the identified suggestions to HR department via email. (Instructor will act as HR manager).
Attachment:- Manage conflict - Assessment.rar