Caused more damages than viruses

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Reference no: EM132804939


In recent years and in the area of malicious software, it is believed that worms have caused more damages than viruses. What is/are the reasons for this belief?

Reference no: EM132804939

Questions Cloud

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Caused more damages than viruses : In recent years and in the area of malicious software, it is believed that worms have caused more damages than viruses.
Explain why stuxnet is one of worst worms : Explain why Stuxnet is one of the worst worms. Find another well-known worm, report what it is. Compare it with Stuxnet. Explain why it is more/less destructive
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Incorporating surveys and observations : You will compose data collection instruments that would apply to your hypothesis and variables.
High incidence of drug dealing : Two officers were patrolling a high-crime area of a town known for its high incidence of drug dealing.


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