Categories of strain-presentation of noxious stimuli

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133395377


You are in your dorm room studying for an upcoming exam. This is your last exam before the semester is over, and you're looking forward to the break. You will be able to relax and spend some time with family and friends without worrying about the demands of school. Your roommate stumbles in accompanied by a group of people. It is obvious that they are intoxicated. They are being loud and obnoxious and distracting you from studying. You want to finish studying and head to bed. You need to get a good night's rest so that you'll be sharp for the exam. However, it looks like that's not going to happen.


  1. Merton states that individuals experience strain when they fail to achieve positively valued goals. What are the positively valued goals in the above scenario?
  2. General strain theory emphasizes two categories of strain: presentation of noxious stimuli and removal of positively valued stimuli. What are the noxious stimuli in the scenario? What represents the removal of positively valued stimuli?
  3. How would you handle the situation to minimize your strain? Do you think your strategy would be effective?

Reference no: EM133395377

Questions Cloud

Assess the description of a reasonable person : Assess whether, according to the description of a "reasonable person", Crystal qualifies to become an attorney.(South African Law).
How are some of the tenets for idea and 504 different : How are some of the tenets for IDEA and 504 different? How are some tenets for IDEA and 504 similar?
Why conservative party wishes to replace human rights act : Assess why the Conservative Party wishes to replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights.
Explain the activity is anti-competitive : Explain why the activity is anti-competitive and whether it is a horizontal restraint of trade or a vertical restraint of trade. Explain.
Categories of strain-presentation of noxious stimuli : General strain theory emphasizes two categories of strain: presentation of noxious stimuli and removal of positively valued stimuli.
Identify three different examples of linguistic features : Name the linguistic feature as precisely as possible (e.g."passive construction" is acceptable, but saying "wording" would be imprecise and too general)
How knowledgeable are you about aboriginal people in canada : How knowledgeable are you about Aboriginal people in Canada? Where did you develop your "image" and gain your knowledge? Explain.
How does citrons solution relate to the 1983 kuhlmeier case : How does Citron's solution relate to the 1983 Kuhlmeier case AND the Parkland shooting? How would the solution help or harm these cases?
Importance of academic integrity : Consider what advice you might give to a fellow student who was having trouble understanding the importance of academic integrity.


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