Reference no: EM13772126
1. What factors can be linked to the catastrophe of amphibian loss?
2. Amphibian decline and increased disease prevalence has been becoming more closely correlated over the last two decades.
- How many major diseases reemerged with increasing virulence?
- How many new diseases have emerged and what are they?
3. How many species of amphibian have become threatened or gone extinct since 1989?
4. What are zoonotic diseases and provide an example.
5. What is El Nino, what happens during an El Nino event, and how often do they occur?
6. What is La Nina, what happens during a La Nina event, and how often do they occur?
7. ENSO events have been increasing in frequency, duration, and intensity. What effect do ENSO events have on Pacific Northwest weather?
8. How does altered rainfall affect UV-B exposure in aquatic organisms?
9. How are amphibians breeding in shallow, high elevation lakes and ponds at increasing susceptibility to climate changes and UV-B exposure?
10. The Kiesecker labs and Oregon State University compared pathogen embryo mortality with climate changes in Cascade Mountains.
11. How did ENSO impact those Oregon pools?
12. What happened to cause the decrease of amphibians and the apparent extinction of golden toads in Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica?
13. Ribeiroia is a trematode (flatworm) that relies on several hosts including fresh water snails. They then enter tadpoles causing abnormalities. How did agriculture affect the snails and amphibians?
14. How has worldwide application of pesticides change since 1940's?
15. How did PCB's affect seals?
16. What is unique about the chatrids and B. dendrobatidis specifically?