Casual nurse in small rural hospital

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133680752


You are a new graduate LPN and have been hired as a casual nurse in a small rural hospital. It is during flu season and a number of staff members are off sick. You are assigned to work on the surgical floor. The charge nurse tells you that one of your patients' needs to be started on tube feeds. She says there is a nasogastric feeding tube in place and tells you where the supplies are. You tell her that though you covered this in your lab session in your program, you have never actually given tube feeds. The charge nurse gets quite short with you, stating that they are very short-handed and there is no one free to walk you through it. She hands you the policy manual and tells you to follow the procedure outlined in it. She states the client needs nutrition quickly as he has only had IV fluids for the last 5 days. She walks away to handle another crisis. What would you do?

Reference no: EM133680752

Questions Cloud

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