Case-training methods for bank tellers

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133084889

Case: Training Methods for Bank Tellers

BB&T Corporation, headquartered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina is among the nation's top financial holding companies, with $152 billion in assets. Its bank subsidiaries operate approximately 1,500 finan­cial centers in the Carolinas, Virginia, West Virginia. Kentucky. Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, Indiana. and Washington. D.C. BB&T's operating strategy distinguishes it from other financial holding companies. BB&T's banking subsidiaries are organized as a group of community banks, each with a regional president which allows decisions to be made locally close to the client. This also makes BB&T's client service more responsive, reliable, and empathetic. BB&T was experiencing a 30 percent an­nual turnover rate for bank tellers and decided that its on-the-job training (OJT) was ineffective. The bank tellers' tasks include:

  • Balancing currency, coin, and checks in cash drawers at the end of each shift. and calculating daily transactions using computers, calculators, or adding machines
  • Cashing checks and paying out money after veri­fying that signatures are correct, That written and numerical amounts agree, and that accounts have sufficient funds
  • Receiving; checks and cash for deposit. verifying amounts and checking the accuracy of deposit slips
  • Examining checks for endorsements and to verify other information such as dates, bank names, iden­tification of the persons receiving payments. and the legality of the documents 
  • Entering customers' transactions into computers to  record transactions and issue computer-generated receipts ,
  • Counting currency, coins, and checks received, either by hand or using a currency-counting ma­chine. to prepare them for deposit or shipment to branch banks or the Federal Reserve Bank 
  • Preparing and verifying cashier's checks Sorting and filing deposit slips and checks
  • Ordering a supply of cash to meet daily needs 
  • Receiving and counting daily inventories of cash drafts and travelers' checks 

On a daily basis, tellers use a variety of skills to complete their tasks. These include: 

  • Communicating with supervisors, peers. or subordinates-Providing information to supervi­sors, coworkers, and subordinates either by tele­phone, in written form, via e-mail, or in person
  • Monitoring process, materials. or surroundingsMonitoring and reviewing information from ma­terials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess problems 
  • Identifying objects actions, and events-Identifying information by categorizing, estimating recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.
  • Establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships-Developing constructive and co­operative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time 
  • Performing or working directly with the public­-This includes providing services for bank 
  • customers 
  • Interacting with computers-Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up func­tions, enter data, or process information 
  • Evaluating information to determine compliance with standards- Using relevant information  and individual judgment to determine whether events or processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards
  • Getting information-observing, receiving, and otherwise- obtaining information from all relevant sources.
  • Making decisions solving problems-Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems 
  • Processing information -Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data 

Describe the training method or combination of methods that you would recommend to train BB&T's bank tellers. Justify your choice of methods

Reference no: EM133084889

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