Case study - women on the right track at cp rail

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Reference no: EM13903621

Case study - Women on the Right Track at CP Rail

Women comprise nearly half of Canada's workforce, but over the last two decades, they have made no progress in obtaining senior management roles. This lack of success may deter younger women from entering certain professions and from learning from role models. Furthermore, research shows that a lack of diversity can affect retention, productivity, and innovation. Companies with more female senior managers have a higher return on equity than those with lower rates of female senior managers. With this research in mind, CP Rail undertook three initiatives to increase the number of women managers:

• Each department must have diversity goals.
• Mentoring programs for females have been established.
• Senior women discuss their careers in forums.
• Women on Track offers networking opportunities.

To date, the program has been successful, with the number of women in senior management doubling over 5 years.


1. Compare CP Rail's initiatives to advance women with the recommended six-step program for the implementation of employment equity.

2. Review the list in Highlights in HRM 3.1 (retention strategies). What more could CP Rail undertake?


Retention Strategies

What can companies do to retain women? Here are seven strategies:

1. Equal pay-People talk about pay and it is important that women know that they are receiving equal pay for work of equal value.

2. Flex schedules-Accommodate women with childcare and eldercare responsibilities by offering them four 10-hour days, half-days, or flexible arrival times.

3. Forty-hour workweeks-Many professionals are willing to work and accomplish but unwilling to put in 80-hour weeks.

4. Part-time and fob sharing- This is an ideal solution for new mothers.

5. Mentoring-Pair a promising woman professional with a senior manager to help her develop a career strategy.

6. Focus on the family-Allow women to get the work done but on a schedule that accommodates their family responsibilities.

7. Offer opportunities-All employees will stay in Jobs if they are learning.

Verified Expert

The report is about the CP Rail program for women development. The strategies included working for the betterment of the women participation and also include promotion strategies for retention. APA references. Answers provided for two questions.

Reference no: EM13903621

Questions Cloud

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