Reference no: EM134241
Case Study: Small Business Owner to Customer-You're Fired
As the owner of WebTastic a small business that designs as well as hosts Web sites, you value your clients and understand that the recession has affected everyone. However lately you've realized that some clients are sapping your business's already stretched resources. One of your first customers-Minnie MacElroy of Minnie's Miniscule Miniatures-has been a demanding client from the get-go. She inquired for changes to the site design she had already approved, forcing you to put in more hours than your quote covered. Once the site went live, Minnie regularly badgered you to make other changes so often that you did them without charge just to get her off your back. When her once-a-month hosting fee started becoming erratic you agreed to let her slide until her business picked up. However now she's six months delinquent
Despite repeated phone calls as well as several letters asking her to make a payment, you have conventional nothing. As a business owner you realise how difficult it is to keep your doors open. You have had to lay off your best Web designer as well as are now doing your own bookkeeping instead of paying for that service. The contract McElroy signed has a provision that if an account leftovers unpaid WebTastic may choose to render the site non-functional. The contract likewise states that WebTastic retains the copyright on the design of any site it has created. While you are uncertain to lose any business in this economic weather you have decided that some clients are more trouble than they are worth
Assignment Instructions-
Write a 3 to 5 page negative news letter informing Minnie that you are closing down her site. Must you fully explain that she has been a difficult customer or should you trust on her lack of payment as your reason for breaking the contract? Address your letter to Ms. Minnie MacElroy 27694 Bay Point Lane, Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Assignment derived from Dr. Gaffe's Business Communication Newsletter
Assignment Expectations
Write a negative letter (3-5 pages)
Write a (150 word) summary explaining why you used the principles you used in writing your letter