Case study on the application of data warehousing

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13961036


Data Warehousing and Data Mining are essential to enterprises in information age. This course provides you a solid foundation on theories of data warehousing and data mining as well as up-to-date technology developments in a broad range of service categories. Through this course, you should be able to identify appropriate business intelligence solutions for enterprise needs and configure solutions of data warehousing for organizations to address service specific business needs.

Term Paper and Final Presentation

The term paper and final presentation should be a case study on the application of Data Warehousing / Data mining project.

For those working in IT profession, this case should relate to a data warehousing / data mining projects the student involved personally especially worked recently or an ongoing work. It could be an explanation of data warehousing project development process (business oriented) or an exploration of a specific data warehousing / data mining technology (technical oriented). Through such cases, the students are expected to learn how to apply the knowledge learnt in this course into their working environment.

For those who do not have professional IT experience, this case should related to either a case one worked in the capacity of internship or a case one is very familiar with in a degree that one can easily analyze the elements and factors required in work system method like work practices, participants, specific technology and infrastructure involved, and environments and strategy.

Reference no: EM13961036

Questions Cloud

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