Reference no: EM133102995 , Length: word count:2000
Course work 1 - Case Study on an International Entrepreneur.
PART A: Analysing the International Entrepreneur
Each student will develop a case study on an international entrepreneur from a country of their choice with a specific focus (see list below eg technology). Therefore, if you choose technology entrepreneurship, you will find an international entrepreneur who is a technology entrepreneur also).
1000 words maximum excluding references.
Each student will then identify the main International Entrepreneurship theme/s emerging from the case study and see how the focal international entrepreneur and his/her firm confirm/disconfirm the relevant International Entrepreneurship literature.
500 words maximum excluding references.
Indicative topics include:
1. Gender and (international) entrepreneurship
2. Family and (International) entrepreneurship
3. Financing (International entrepreneurship)
4. Technology entrepreneurship
5. Social (International) entrepreneurship
6. Habitual/Serial (Entrepreneurship)
7. Ethnicity & (International) entrepreneurship
Course work 2-Literature Review
Each student will prepare and submit a written assignment based on a detailed investigation of a particular International) Entrepreneurship topic (See below). This assignment requires each student to undertake a critical literature review of their allocated topic -indicative (but not exhaustive) and identify and synthesize the key issues and themes emerging (maximum 2000 words).
(See Carter, S., & Jones-Evans, D. (2012)
Indicative areas include:
1. International Entrepreneurship & economic development
2. Government and small internationally active small business
3. International Entrepreneurial opportunities
4. Psychology of the (international) entrepreneur
5. Growth & development in the international SME
6. Explaining rapid internationalisation
Attachment:- International Entrepreneur.rar