Case study on age discrimination

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Reference no: EM1372774

Carol was repeatedly passed over for promotions in favor of male colleagues who had lower performance reviews. She is now 62 years old and states that in recent years the company has been giving her low-prestige and difficult assignments in an effort to get her to resign. She thinks this is because of her age. When she would not resign, she suddenly started getting poor performance reviews and was terminated, despite the fact that for 29 of her years at the company she had been given very high scores for her performance. She also states that the atmosphere at the company was very much a "boy's club," with a lot of joking about the women. With this in mind, the mayor has asked you to put together a short presentation that discusses issues related to discrimination in the workplace:

1. Describe the history of how employment discrimination against women has been perceived in the U.S. from the early twentieth century onwards?

2. Are there still inequalities in employment related to gender?

3. What federal legislation exists to address different forms of employment discrimination? Give brief explanations of these statutes and discuss the categories that the legislation protects (for example, bans on discrimination based on gender, religion, race, etc.)

4. What statutes would Carol be relying on in making her claim?

Reference no: EM1372774

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