Case Study of a Contemporary Supply Chain

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132894058

OMGT1021 Supply Chain Principles - RMIT University

Title: Case Study of a Contemporary Supply Chain

This assignment is designed to foster students' understanding of contemporary supply chain concepts. This is achieved by asking students to read a given case study and answer a set of questions designed to challenge their critical thinking capability. Answers to all the questions should total about 600 (+/- 10%) words. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating an ability to link concepts introduced in the course to the scenario provided in the given case study to demonstrate understanding and application.

Assessment Task

A case study will be provided to each student via Canvas. This case study will be selected randomly.

• Each case study will have a set of three open-ended questions.

• You will read and analyse the case study in your own time.

• You will answer the questions posed based on your analysis of the case study.

The expected length of your answers is 600 (+/- 10%) words in total and reference list and figures/ diagrams will not be counted in the word count.


Q1. Using the information provided in the article, justify why sustainable practices across the entire supply network areimportant. Would sustainable practices across the entire supply network ensure achieving competitive advantage? Give your reasons.

Q2. This article iterates that suppliers, especially the lower-tier suppliers in the supply system, often don't comply with standards for sustainable social and environmental practices. What are the major barriers that have discouraged suppliers in general, and lower-tier suppliers in particular, to comply with such environmental and social practices and standards? How the four strategies suggested in the articlecan overcome such barriers?

Q3. The article suggests four approaches and various measures within each approach to managing lower-tier suppliers for sustainability. It also contends that multinational companies generally use a combination of approaches to achieve sustainability throughout the supply network. Looking into the approaches and measures, what combination of these approaches and measureswould you suggest to be most cost-effective for a multinational company in achieving a socially and environmentally sustainable supply chain? Why?

Attachment:- Supply Chain Principles.rar

Reference no: EM132894058

Questions Cloud

Topic - Should gene therapy be used : Topic - Should gene therapy be used? Your research review should address at least three (3) aspects of the issue that is the subject of your paper
How much is the loss from the patent obsolescence : How much is the loss from the patent obsolescence? Dragon Fruit Trading spent P1,440,000 in acquiring a patent on January 3, 2012.
What is the balance of the revaluation surplus account : What is the balance of the revaluation surplus account on December 31, 2021 assuming that piecemeal realization of revaluation surplus is in order?
How many years are needed to double a investment : Using the Rule of 72, approximately how many years are needed to double a $100 investment when interest rates are 8.50 percent per year?
Case Study of a Contemporary Supply Chain : Case Study of a Contemporary Supply Chain - Quality of presentation, including use of diagrams and charts to support arguments and discussion
How much more money will need : How much will his $14,188 savings be worth in 5 years? Will Mr Lee have $50,000 he needs? If not, how much more money will he need?
Process or outline for starting cafe business : A process or outline for starting cafe business. Identify some entrepreneurial themes that you will follow and apply.
How many bags and hats must be produced per day : How many Bags and Hats must be produced per day to keep 100 people in the production and 60 people in the packaging section?
What is the maximum return per annum in dollar amounts : How much should she invest in each type of bond to maximize her return, and what is the maximum return per annum in dollar amounts?



5/21/2021 10:43:56 PM

This is a simple task, three questions for one case study, which is about supply chain principles.

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