Case study for project management assignment

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Reference no: EM132607160

Case Study for Project Management Assignment:

QA Higher Education (QAHE) is planning a full refurbishment of its teaching rooms and computing labs in the London Campus (London students) or Birmingham Campus (Birmingham students) to ensure students and staff all have an excellent learning environment and access to the latest technology to support their studies and teaching.

This will include new hardware, software and network infrastructure as appropriate as well as classroom refurbishment, furniture, all necessary peripherals and improvements to the IT support desk, including a local IT support representative to be placed permanently in the London Campus.

You are the project manager for this project, starting the planning work in August with a view to the major disruptive works being carried out prior to the Autumn term, which starts end September 2018. The main project sponsor is the Managing Director, but with full co-operation from the Director of Operations.

Reference no: EM132607160

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