Case study - eastern health systems

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132290360

Small Networks - Skills-Based Evaluation (SBE)

Small Networks Skills-Based Evaluation (SBE) (STP, LACP, VLAN, Trunking, Routing and DHCP)

Case Study: Eastern Health Systems (EHS)


EHS has contracted your company to expand their computer network into a new building, which they have purchased.

Since you are joining an existing network, you are expected to adopt the EHS network standards in your design. In cases where there is not a specific EHS requirement you will use industry standard conventions.

EHS Standards

1. Management VLANs will use VLAN ID 99

2. Data VLANs will start numbering at 10. VLANs 1-9 and 99 must not carry user data (network management data is fine)

3. All unused ports in a device (router or switch) will be shut down or assigned to VLAN 1

4. EHS IP addressing uses the Class B private address range All subnets use a 24 bit mask (

5. The third octet of any IP address will match the associated VLAN ID

6. Every network device will have a UID and password login and be accessible using telnet or SSH

7. A banner will be presented to every user of the device, detailing the device name and location

8. The building has a single floor; all of the workspaces may be serviced from one of the two wiring closets. The closets are within 90 meters of each other.

9. There will be approximately forty (40) workstations in the facility, spread evenly over 4 data networks (NOTE: You must include all 40 workstations in your packet tracer configuration). Switches must be connected to others using the fastest, most reliable method possible.

10. The contracted ISP will provide a Cisco 2621 router with the ISP interface configured. All building networks must connect to this device (R4). While the ISP interface is configured, the router does belong to EHS and will need to be configured by your company for intra-VLAN routing and DHCP.

11. Workstation IP addressing will be issued via DHCP, without exception, for each data network (for instance, VLAN 10's DHCP scope should be within 172.16.10.x. The management network will not use DHCP.

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Reference no: EM132290360

Questions Cloud

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Provide example of production or service process : Provide an example of a production or a service process that is not yet automated.
Case study - eastern health systems : You are expected to adopt the EHS network standards in your design. In cases where there is not a specific EHS requirement you will use industry standard
Your response be in light of the specific ethical concepts : You are the CEO of a major oil company. As CEO, what would your response be in light of the specific ethical concepts?
How is it acquisition different from commodity purchases : The title of this course is IT Acquisition Management. Explain in YOUR own words what that means? Why is it important? How is IT acquisition different.
Should all businesses-organizations have opt-in statement : Assume you are working for a company that sells music online. Should all businesses/organizations have the opt-in statement?
How do you pay for the enforcement : If things have to be inspected, but you don't have the resources to hire the inspectors, then how does it happen? And how do you pay for the enforcement?


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