Reference no: EM13273467
Selected not-for-profit organization: Amnesty International Canada
You have now had a chance to explore how social/mobile impacts you as an individual and also corporations. You have successfully examined some of the current issues and non-traditional uses of these technologies that are improving/impacting the world. You have heard of companies like and Ushahidi, learned about the principles of being a social business in your readings and critically analyzed the effectiveness of a corporate social media strategy.
You will be preparing a strategy brief social business strategy for a not-for-profit organization. This not-for-profit can be of any scale (local, provincial, national or international). You will be required to include an overarching strategy and also at least 1 campaign that they can activate using social (e.g. contest, challenge, event - or some other "call to action'').
If you are working with or volunteering for a not-for-profit, you may want to consider sharing this with them after you complete the assignment and get your feedback to incorporate so that there is an extra value to this assignment for something that you believe in. Traditionally, the non-profit sector has struggled with incorporating a social strategy due to the lack of resources (in terms of staff and knowledge)... You can help fill that gap!
Since social causes and the voluntary sector is a very personal choice, you will have the ability to choose any organization you wish.
Multiple students may have the same organization. While you are encouraged to collaborate, please be sure to ensure that you do not "overshare" information that could result in an academic integrity issue.
Becoming engaged in our social society carries with it significant responsibility for both individuals and organizations. This assignment will focus on the best practices and considerations for social and mobile technologies for not-for-profits.
Just as businesses build their brand through various methods and touch-points, our non-profit brands are established and projected through our participation in our various social channels. Often, they leverage social and mobile technologies as vital lifelines not only for awareness, but also for their fundraising efforts. As you have discovered, this ecosystem carries with it inherent long term risks if it is not used responsibly. However, when used properly these tools can be very powerful in unlocking a world of opportunity and global reach. The amplification of an organization's message can be virtually limitless and the potential to engage with key stakeholders and funders from around the globe.