Case study about cybertechnology related ethical issues

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131641484

Applying Ethical Theory


1. The following articles provide the news/case study about cybertechnology related ethical issues, choose any news/case study from this list and answer the questions for assignment:

2. The jobs killer is coming: How driverless trucks could change Australia by Emma Reynolds

3. Our commitment to net neutrality

4. Privacy will hit tipping point in 2016 by Harriet Taylor

5. Technology and dating by Bryony Gordon

6. Amin Sthapit murder trial: accused Roy Tabalbag 'provoked' into killing girlfriend Geecy Rebucas's lover by Patrick Begley

- Choose one of the media articles or case studies listed by the lecturer in your Interact 2 subject site.

- Use the title of the article/case study provided in interact 2 as the title of your essay, so that the lecturer knows which article you are analysing.

- Undertake further research about your chosen case, to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your essay.
You are required to complete the following:

Write an essay:

- The word limit for the essay is 1200-1300 words. Headings, citations and references do not count towards the word limit, but quotations do.

- Analyse the article/case study from the perspective of four classical ethical theories including utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and contract. Present well reasoned arguments for your assessments and recommendations.

- Write an overall conclusion that justifies your recommendations made in your essay.

- Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the correct APA referencing style, corresponding to in-text citations.

NOTE: Please use the template provided in resources section of this subject site.

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In this assignment we have discussed Cyber Crime. we have discussed few questions related to the given scenario.So we have all the things in depth .

Reference no: EM131641484

Questions Cloud

Article discuss what the article means to you : Following your summary of the article discuss what the article means to you (2-3 paragraphs). This could take the form of explaining what information.
Facts about christian views : Ewerts made a few good points in his article, but he also made some good points as well. I agree with his comparison of materialism.
How individual random variable is not normally distributed : When you sum 30 or more independent random variables, the sum of the random variables will usually be approximately normally distributed.
Write a paper about avoiding plagiarism in college writing : Write a paper about Avoiding plagiarism in college writing. I have prepared an outline and References that are to be used and more can be added.
Case study about cybertechnology related ethical issues : Analyse the article/case study from the perspective of four classical ethical theories including utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and contract.
Traditional advertising and promotion : Discuss how integrated marketing communications differs from traditional advertising and promotion.
Find the sum of independent normal random variables : Use the fact that the sum of independent normal random variables is normally distributed, with mean equal to the sum of the individual means and variance equal.
Optimal replacement interval for the industrial engine : Compute the results for at least 250 replications. What is the optimal replacement interval for the industrial engine?
Identify the importance of human resource management : Identify the importance of human resource management. Analyze the relationship of organizational culture to change.



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