Case - housing price structure in mid city

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131489916


Sales of single-family houses have been brisk in Mid City this year. This has especially been true in older, more established neighborhoods, where housing is relatively inexpensive compared to the new homes being built in the newer neighborhoods. Nevertheless, there are also many families who are willing to pay a higher price for the prestige of living in one of the newer neighborhoods. The file C10_02.xisx contains data on 128 recent sales in Mid City. For each sale, the file shows the neighborhood (1, 2, or 3) in which the house is located, the number of offers made on the house, the square footage whether the house is made primarily of brick, the number of bathrooms, the number of bedrooms, and the selling price. Neighborhoods. I and 2 are more traditional neighborhoods whereas neighborhood '3 is a more prestigious neighborhood.

Use regression to estimate and interpret the pricing structure of houses in Mid City. Here are some considerations.

1. Do buyers pay a premium for a brick house, all else being equal?
2. Is there a premium for a house in neighborhood 3, all else being equal?
3. Is there an extra premium for a brick house in neighborhood 3, in addition to the usual premium for a brick house?
4. For purposes of estimation and prediction, neighborhoods 1 and 2 be collapsed into single "older" neighborhood?

Exercise Problems

For this assignment complete the exercises below. Show enough of your work so that your instructor can follow your logic.

The owner of the Original Italian Pizza restaurant chain would like to predict the sales of his specialty, deep-dish pizza. He has gathered data on the monthly sales of deep-dish pizzas at his restaurants and observations on other potentially relevant variables for each of his 15 outlets in central Indiana. These data are provided in the file P10_04.xlsx.

a. Estimate a multiple regression model between the quantity sold (Y) and the explanatory variables in columns C -E.

b. Is there evidence of any violations of the key assumptions of regression analysis?

c. Which of the variables in this equation have regression coefficients that are statistically different from zero at the 5% significance level?

#18 (Pg 555) The Undergraduate Data sheet of the file ei0-21.xlsitontains information on 101 undergraduate business programs in the U.S., including various rankings by Business Week. Use multiple regression to explore the relationship between the median starting salary and the following set of potential explanatory variables: annual cost, full-time enrollment, faculty-student ratio, average SAT score, and average ACT score. Which explanatory variables should be included in a final version of this regression equations? Justify your choices. Is multicollinearity a problem? Why or Why not?

#23 (Pg 560) The Undergraduate Data sheet of the filen(L21.xlsx contains information on 101 undergraduate business programs in the U.S., including various rankings by BuSiness Week. Use forward, backward, and stepwise regression analysis to explore the relationship between median starting salary and the following set of potential explanatory variables: annual cost, full-time enrollment, faculty-student ratio, average SAT score, and average ACT score. Do these three methods all lead to the same regression equation? If not, do you think any of the final equations are substantially better than any of the others?

Attachment:- Data.rar

Verified Expert

This task provides a clear working example of multiple regression analysis. A standard multiple regression analysis was performed between the dependent variable and two or more independent variables. Individual relationships between the independent and dependent variables: t = observed t value, significance level, effect size

Reference no: EM131489916

Questions Cloud

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Case - housing price structure in mid city : Do buyers pay a premium for a brick house, all else being equal - Is there a premium for a house in neighborhood 3, all else being equal?
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6/1/2017 5:48:51 AM

This is one more spreadsheet i have forgot to attach. 23326216_1Copy of P10 21.xlsx WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THREE QUESTIONS?? SEE ATTACHED 23326297_1Scan moonm 0516207 093803 1.pdf File P10.21.xlsx do not contain following explanatory variables file is not proper Annual Cost, Full time enrollment, faculty student ratio, average SAT score, Average ACT score P10.21 23326237_1Copy of P10 21.xlsx


5/9/2017 7:47:19 AM

Activity Outcomes 1. Identify the most frequently used quantitative methods for analyzing data and solving decision related problems. 2. Implement quantitative assessment/analyses methods using MicroSoft Excel Spreadsheets. 3. Assess the degree of uncertainty or imprecision in parameter estimates (with confidence intervals and measures of sampling variability). 4. Interpret your conclusions to identify settings in which models can be used effectively and apply modeling concepts in practical situations. S. Evaluate course concepts critically and competently through interaction with Learners and Faculty Mentor.


5/9/2017 7:47:11 AM

Your responses must be comprehensives, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Answer all questions presented in the Case. Write in complete sentence: and use good grammar, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You must read and follow the Graduate Case Study Format file found in the course resources area

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