3. What has happened at Tata Group since 2012?
Assessment Task 1: Case Analysis – Application of analytical tools
Goal: For you to demonstrate cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply established theories to practice through interpretation of case studies.
Product: Case study report
Format: Read a case study and answer the assigned questions, provided on Blackboard at the start of session. This is an individual assessment and needs to be submitted electronically through SafeAssign. Word count should not exceed 1500 words.
• Quality of answers to individual case questions. This includes the quality of presentation, level of comprehensiveness, level of analysis, and the use of appropriate styles of referencing.
• Level of application of relevant theory in answering the case questions using the relevant facts and figures from the case study.
• Full assessment criteria will be posted on Blackboard
Generic skill assessed Skill assessment level
Communication Graduate