Reference no: EM13138222
Can someone help fix, structure, correct my grammar, and make my paper flow better, and sound better.
Career Planning made easy and counseling work shop
Today, I went to Career Planning made easy and counseling work shop, at ----- college. The lecture was about was to plan out your college career, and also what available sources you can use to achieve your career. The first part of the lecture was the exploration strategies and resources to establish or change a career goal. This part of the lecture was about using strategies and resources that are provided to you to do better in college. The strategy part is to talk to an advisor, and plan your classes every quarter, so that you don’t take the wrong classes, and spend more time in school than what is required.
The second part of the lecture was the resources part, where lecturer discussed the resources that are available at ----- college. The resources that are available at ----- college are the writing center, financial aid, career center, math, physics, chemistry tutoring, and the multicultural center. The writing centers, is where students can have a tutor help them develop writing techniques, proof read their paper, catch grammar mistakes, and help structure the report papers. The math, physics, and chemistry tutoring center is were student can go to get one on one tutoring from tutors on their specific subjects, that will help them get a grasp on their math and science based subjects. The financial aid department, is student can get go to help with financial assistance in paying for their classes. The financial assistance that is offered to pay for classes is grants, loans, and gift aid. The career center at ----- college, offers internships, job seeking, resume writing, and apprenticeship help new and current students. Lastly, the multicultural department is a diverse department were students can go to meet other student of different cultural backgrounds, and learn their beliefs, and culture.
In conclusion, the time I spent at ----- college, I never had this lecture, but I did find these resources on my own, and found them to be very helpful in guiding my college career. So, found the Career Planning made easy and counseling work shop, was a very informative work shop, which gave in sight to help students have a successful college career.
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Career planning made easy and counseling work shop
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