Career planning assignment

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Reference no: EM133523411

IT Service Management & Professional Culture

Assessment task: Career Planning Assignment

Purpose: The purpose of the career planning assignment is to help students prepare for their professional careers beyond university.

Assessment details

This is an individual task. Students will be required to identify an IT or IT related position, and prepare a written application consisting of an application letter, a written response to the selection criteria, and a resume or curriculum vitae which includes a SIFA skills mapping. In addition, students will be required to have an up-to-date linked-in profile to support their application.

A quality application will include selection of an appropriate position which matches student's skill set. Customisation of the application letter and resume to the position. A table which maps at least five (5) SIFA skills, this should be included as part of the resume or CV. A response to the key selection criteria of at least two (2) pages that includes examples of practice from university studies and/or workplace experience. A linked in profile which is not a replica of the resume or CV but presents student's individual skills in a unique manner. The application should demonstrate initiative and creativity, be neatly presented and free of errors.


This is not an academic assessment, so presentation will be up to each individual student. Students' might like to consult the information in the writing guides, layout, and appearance guidelines. Please note, a title page and table of contents are required for this task, however a reference list and in-text references are not required.

Attachment:- Career Planning Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM133523411

Questions Cloud

Discuss any controversies that may be involved in actions : Choose a federal public health agency and visit its Website. Discuss any controversies that may be involved in action the agency may have taken or need to take.
When was a time when you refused to obey the holy spirit : Share some of the highlights of your growth and development. When was a time when you refused to obey the Holy Spirit? How did your refusal affect others?
What is your working definition of an apostle : What is your working definition of an apostle? What would you say to someone who does not believe the gift of the apostle is in operation today?
Which do you think are good market for the government to tax : How that will be reflected your budget? Which do you think are good markets for the government to tax if the goal is to boost tax revenue?
Career planning assignment : Identify an IT or IT related position, and prepare a written application consisting of an application letter, a written response to the selection
What are the key components of six sigma : What are the key components of Six Sigma? Discuss the differences between a first-party, second-party, and third-party audit.
What is the fiscal policy : What is the fiscal policy? Describe, analyze, and discuss the fiscal policy. Write 3 paragraphs using the APA format.
Describe each alternative response and solution fully : Describe each alternative response and/or solution fully. Analyze each alternative response and solution giving the advantages/disadvantages; pros/cons of each.
Investigation of role of social media in higher education : Research on the topic as per template provided with mentioning the future work that will be done in next semester which will be final thesis


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