Card generator program by linked list

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1360562

Address Book-Card Generator Program Using a Linked List

This program will have names and addresses saved in a linked list. In addition, a birthday and anniversary date will be saved with each record.

When the program is run, it will search for a birthday or an anniversary using the current date to compare with the saved date. It will then generate the appropriate card.

Because this will be an interactive system, your program should begin by displaying a menu. Items on the menu should include:

Enter a new name into the address book
Delete a name from the address book
Change a name or date in the address book
Generate birthday cards
Generate anniversary cards
Exit the card program

Each of these sections will call individual functions to perform their appropriate task.

This address book is to be sorted in alphabetical order. Be aware of this when you are entering, deleting, or changing the name, and plan your code accordingly.

For this project, create and display the card created on the screen (you do not need to print it). You may design the layout of the card as you wish. For example, it could be:

Dear <name_saved>,

Hope your birthday is really wonderful and this coming year is the best yet!




Your C++ source code with any header files
Your executable code
A document detailing how you will test your program
An overview document, giving the name of each file submitted and its purpose, as well as a few paragraphs on your experiences coding the linked lists

Reference no: EM1360562

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